Continuing from yesterday subject about a certain aircraft
↓: こちらも最近ちょくちょく香港で見かけるようになったエアラインで、エアラインコードが4Bのこちらのエアラインです(^^)
↓: Below is the airline, which I have seen sometimes in Hong Kong these days, whose code is 4B(^^)
This is B757 of Aviastar-TU(^^)
I have already taken them in Hong Kong sometimes before, it is not one of the airlines which I have seen first time after coronavirus had appeared but seems to come to Hong Kong more than before, from once in some months to once or twice a week, so I decided to post about it amang 757 subjects(^^)
I remember it came to NRT before, some Japanese spotters may have already taken them?
Aviastar is a Russian cargo airline and they have some B757s and Tu-204 with other color. Some Tu-204s are with Russian post livery (I have already taken) but only those with this color seem to have come to Hong Kong.
Most of their flights I saw these days were midnight arrivals and midnight departures but if I find another color come, I will visit airport to take them even at midnight(^^)
Today's post is the last one with B757, so I'd like to post the digest next time☆