飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【昼夜】627と628: 【Night and day】627 and 628



Same as every time I introducing when I find new one, I'd like to post about new 747-8Fs of UPS★ This time is 2, N627UP and N628UP☆  

I could get only night time to see it, I'd like to try daytime photos next time☆

・N628UP↑: 最後の一枚ですが、太陽がコクピットの窓に反射して、いい感じでした(^∀^)☆
↑: As of the last one, sun light was reflected very nicely with some cockpit windows(^∀^)☆ 

In stead, I could have only daytime chance to see N628UP, I want to try it again at night☆

It was reported that 747s will be ceased to be manufactured in 2022,,,I would like to keep watching them carefully until the last one is launched☆  


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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