飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

(難しいけど好きなポイント)ロゴなしABC発つ:(Difficult but my favorite point)No logos ABC has gone



以前ちらっとこちらの携帯画像で、香港にロゴの消されたABC(Air Bridge Cargo)の747が2機いるとお話しましたが、HAECO工場近くの撮りやすいところに移動していたので、4月29日の夜に撮ってきました☆
As I mentioned before with this photo taken by my mobile, that there were 2 ABC(Air Bridge Cargo) 747s without company logos in Hong Kong. One of them moved to beside HAECO factory where I can take its photos, I went there to take it at the night on 29th April☆

I really love the photos taken at this point especially night photos, but taking photos is very difficult and hard, so I rarely visit there, only when I found veeeeery interesting aircraft is spotting(^^;)     
・脚立必要(めんどくさい): I need to bring ladders (bother me so much)
・ピントが綺麗に合わない: Very difficult to get exact focus 
・目立つ?(笑): I may stand out(^^;)?
Anyway, cameras cannot get exact focus soon, I need to repeat take and check many times so it must take long time to take 1 shot, and just 10 minutes photographying gives me muscle pain(-_-)
And as of the securities matter there, I have taken photos at night for 3 years there, I got alerted only 2 times. The first time was by an airport officer, he came to see me because he could see me on the CCTV but when I explained him that I was taking photos, he said OK. Second time was during aircraft was under maintenacing and when securities were sever for demonstrations. I see many police cars and trafic controls passing manay time but I have not alerted from them from now on.

↑: 正面あたりです。不幸なことに機体の正面は照明の真下なので、フェンスに光が当たるので、映りこみ画面がオレンジ色になるので、撮影不可。夜撮影する場合は、とにかく、照明から離れないといけません。
↑: Rough front shot(^^;)Unfortunately the point I can take right front shot is just below the lights, lights hit the fence and the fences can be seen on the shots orange object I cannot take photos there, I need to be away from lights when I go there at night.

↑: いろいろ探して、このあたりの絵が一番好きです(^^)
↑: I tried to find best point, I love this shot the most(^^)

Anyway then this ship has gone Hong Kong yesterday(><)

↑: 午前中に一度フライトレーダーで見つけましたが、便名も機体番号なので、エンジンチェックですぐ戻ってくると思っていました(苦笑)
↑: I found it once in the morning, the flight number being just reg no., I guessed it was just a engine check or somethind I thought it would come back soon(^^;)

↑↑: 夕方に読者の方からの通報で、2機一緒に遠くに行っていることを発見(°■°)。
↑↑: I have known it has gone to far from Hong Kong together with one more ABC (°■°)in the evening by the report from a reader.
(Dear Mr.J thank you for your interesting report everytime (>ω<)☆) 
Checking carefully, I found both were origin from NCA(><)
↑: 寝る前にチェックしたら、どうやらアテネに行ったようです。あのままロゴ無しで行ったのか、もしかしたら新しい会社のフルカラーで行ったのかと思ったら気になりますね(><)
↑: When I went to bed I found they landed to Athens. Now I'm really wondering if they have gone Hong Kong without changing their colors or with new color (next company)(><) 


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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