飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【初撮り】San Marino Executive AviationのA300:【First take】 A300 of San Marino Executive Aviation



本日の話題は、最近香港国際空港のの貨物の時刻表で見かけるようになったこちらのエアライン、San Marino Executive Aviationです☆
Today's subject is below airline, San Marino Executive Aviation, which we can see it sometimes on the cargo schedule at Hong Kong Int'l Airport HP these days☆

↑: 携帯で空港のHPを見ると単に“SMF”ですがPCで見るとちゃんとフルネームです。
↑: Its name can be seen “SMF” when we see this page from mobile but can be seen full name from PC.

San Marino Executive Aviationはその名の通り、サンマリノに拠点のある航空会社で主に、チャーター貨物便の運航、航空機の整備、耐空管理をしてるそうです(同社HPより)
↑: Wiki(英)等にもなかったので直接HP行ってきました。
San Marino Executive Aviation is an airline based on San Marino, as on its name. It operates cargo charter flights, aircraft management and continued airworthiness management.(According to its HP)
↑: There are no description of this airline at Wikis, I visited its HP.

Anyway, operations of SMF seems to be interesting, seeing the flights of T7-ASK, which is its only one fleet ,,,,
After it came from Istanbul, it come back to Almaty after 2 round flights between Delhi(^ω^)

And the schedules of SMF can be seen only at departure page at HKG HP.
This seems to be strange more than interesting.

Anyway, let's see the photos of T7-ASK☆
↑↑↑: 8/30に觀景山から撮影したものですが、T7-ASKはほぼ真っ白のA300です☆とちょっとメラメラあるかも(^^;)
↑↑↑: They were taken from Scenic Hill on 30th August, T7-ASK is almost all white A300☆There were heat haze a little(^^;)

Next, below shots were taken from 25L end, trying to take its face shots. I went there to take face shots of a certain aircraft☆

I will post near future about the “a certain aircraft”, whose face shots I went there to take☆ 


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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