飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

(初撮有)ターミナルからの香港最後の撮影ː (First taken included)The last spotting in Hong Kong at the terminal



Today I'd like to show you the photos taken at the terminal on 3rd July, the day when I left Hong Kong.
It was my last spotting in Hong Kong and the targets have been interesting until this last day, I want to show you some of them today☆

I placed 6 of them and 2 of them were taken first time(^^)
I took photos around 2 hours and could see some with my personal attachment, I did realize how HKG is interesting airport☆ 

To enjoy longest time at the destinations (Or in Japan), I had selected midnight flights so I can not remember the last time I took photos at the terminal in daytime.   

Also considering taking long time for checking in, securities checks and buying souvenirs, which I could not buy in the city, I wanted to take photos with rare angles from the terminal, I entered to securities area sooner.   当日は25運用でしたので、撮影したのはこの辺り☆
Airport operated with 25 this day, the place I took photo was here☆はっきりとは覚えていないですが、27番ゲートと29番ゲートの間あたりだと離陸機が25Lに乗るあたりがよく見えます☆
I do not remember the exact place, but we can see the planes taxing and entering to 25L from gate No. 27 to No.29☆  

■撮影画像のご紹介ː The photos taken
・N258SN↑↑ː 早速お会いできたのは、Western Global AirlinesのN258SNです☆WGAの中では唯一のノーマルカーゴの747ですが、747では唯一フルカラーでない変わった機体ですよね。しかも、確か横田や関空は飛来実績はありますが、成田にはまだとのこと、しばらく会えないかもなので、この機体に会えてうれしかったです☆
↑↑ː The first target was N258SN, one of the 747s of Western Global Airlines. It should be only one normal cargo 747 and without company color 747 among Western Global Airlines 747 fleets. WGC often come to NRT but I remember it came to KIX and OYO but not yet to NRT, so guessing it should be long time until next time I see it, so I felt happy to see it on this last day in Hong Kong☆ 

・HS-KMC↑↑↑ː K-MIleのHS-KMCです。最近K-Mileは737-800の機体もいますが、やはりK-Milaといえば、この737-400ですよね☆
↑↑↑ː The next is HS-KMC, of K-Mile. They added 737-800 to their fleet these days but, when it comes to K-Mile, it should be these 737-400s☆
They are to come to Hong Kong mainly at midnights, I had only a few chances to take some of them at daytime, I felt happy to see it☆  

↑↑↑ː この日初撮影の機体です☆マレーシアのKargo Xpressの737-800BCFです★
↑↑↑ː This was taken first time on this day☆ This is one the 737-800BCFs of Kargo Xpress, which is one of the cargo companies in Malaysia★
As you can see, the fleets of this company wear the masks(≧∀≦)
I had taken another 737 of them, I remember I had not posted about them, I will place the post about this airlines in the future (long long time have past from when I took it⇐SORRY)★

・ER-BAS↑↑↑↑↑ː Terra Aviaの747-400BDSFのER-BASです(^ω^)☆
この機体、9年間の香港での撮影で、Air Cargo Global(2塗装) ⇒ Ruby Sta r⇒ Terra Aviaと4回も塗装が変わっている思い出のある機体です☆
↑↑↑↑↑ː This is ER-BAS, one of the 747-400BDSF of Terra Avia(^ω^)☆
During on my 9 years airliner spotting in Hong Kong, I saw it changed color 4 times,
that is Air Cargo Global (2 colors) ⇒ Ruby Star ⇒ Terra Avia☆
It should be on the top 10 aircrafts with my memorable attachment under 9 years spotting in Hong Kong, I felt happy to see it on this my last day in Hong Kong(;;)
I'm thinking about posting 4 times color changes of this aircraft☆
And, thanks to 747 large body, when we see them with these angles, they can be seen with tall apartments naturally back☆
★この機体の関連記事ː Related post of this aircraft★
Ruby Star改めTerra Aviaː Moved from Ruby Star to Terra Avia - Airplanes Night and Day (masarunphotos-airplanes.com)
【昼撮】ようやく昼に撮れた新生ルビースター☆【Daytime Shots】Finally I could catch brand new Rubystar in daytime - Airplanes Night and Day (masarunphotos-airplanes.com)
【夜撮影】新生Rubystarの747を撮影!!【Night Spotting】Brand new 747 of Rubystar!! - Airplanes Night and Day (masarunphotos-airplanes.com)

↑↑ː 一瞬反対側の28番ゲートにダッシュ(笑)
↑↑ː Rushing to another side(^^;)
The second aircraft which I had not yet seen, in addition to it, the type was 747 (Of course, this forced me to rush(≧∀≦))
N632UP, one of the newest 747-8 which was landing (^^)★ 

・9H-BIG↑↑ː最後はAir X CharterのA343の9H-BIGです(^^)★
↑↑ː The last target was 9H-BIG, one of the A340s of Air X Charter(^^)★
This also is one of my best memorable aircrafts. I had rushed around many time to take it well(;;)
This also one of my top 10 aircraft among my 9 years airliners spotting in Hong Kong, I felt really happy to see off it on this my last day in Hong Kong(;;)
★この機体の関連記事ː Related post of this aircraft★
【昼撮影編】Air X Charterの9H-BIG【Daytime Ver】9H-BIG of Air X Charter - Airplanes Night and Day (masarunphotos-airplanes.com)
【夜撮影: Night Shots】Air X Charterの9H-BIG: 9H-BIG of Air X Charter - Airplanes Night and Day (masarunphotos-airplanes.com)



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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