飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

再建後、最近香港に来てます-エズニス航空-:Restructed and Started to come to HK these days-EZNIS AIRWAYS-



One of Mongolian airlines, Eznis Airways started to come to Hong Kong from Uran Bator from July 2019. I investigated this ariline and found they seem to have had some stories.香港には現在のスケジュールで週3(月・木・日)で737-700で来ています。機材は737-700が1機(画像のEI-ULN)とボンバルディアQ400が2機のようです。
They come to Hong Kong 3 days per week, Mon・Thu・Sun, with 737-700 on current schedule. Their fleets are 1 737-700 (EI-ULN as the photo) and 2 Bombardier Q400.

Eznis Airways had started operating in 2006. Their total passangers reached to 100,000 in November 2008, started to operate international flights to China in August 2009. They grew to be a major domestic airlines in Mongolia and had some partnership with ANA. However they ceased to operate due to some difficulities with fundings in 2014. 

2 years after their bankruptcy, they had failed restruting plans some times but they fortunately could start to lunch again from June 2019(^^)

なお、保有機材の2機のボンバルディアQ400は運用にはついていないようで、1機はUSバングラ航空で使用されているようです(OY-YAG→S2-AGW )
Anyway the 2 Bombardier Q400s in their fleets are not operated in Eznis Airways. One of two is now operated at US-Bangla Airlines(OY-YAG→S2-AGW)


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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