
(修行ほぼ終了?)記事を再開しますm(_ _)m(Training may be completed?)I will start posting again.m(_ _)m



皆様お久しぶりでございますm(_ _)m
Dear everyone, so long time no see.m(_ _)m

I stopped posting over one month for training, I decided to post again!
And thank you very much for the readers who sent me mails and massages for checking my life(><;) 

ブログのタイトルでNightが先に置いてあるように、元々は夜撮影に注力していましたが、ブログを始めてからずっと、デモやコロナで空港に入れず夜の撮影がほとんどない状態でしたので、記事の用意をする時間が平日夜にあったので、そこそこ書けていましたが、平日夜に連続して撮影をすると記事の用意どころか、画像の整理や家の家事(特に洗濯)すらできない状態でしたので、ここは今後の課題だと思いますので何とかしますm(_ _)m
I stopped almost 40 days but I went to the airport 32 or 33 days(^^;)
As the word "Night" is placed forward on "Day" on the title of this blog, I originally started this blog mainly for night airliner spotting, however due to the Hong Kong demonstrations and coronavirus, I could not enter the terminal from when I started this blog, so I had enough time for preparing post at nights on weekday. Now I know it should be my task to make time for posting especially when I go to airport at night frequently. m(_ _)m I found during this 40 days I could not make time even for sorting photos and housework(especially washing clothes).   

At this time, I think I could take almost 90% of my targets, except the 10%, those are difficult to get the chances. And I finished editing around 150 photos for posting, and found there are 52 subjects for posting, I will do my best for posting next.

最後に重ねて、いろいろとお待ちいただき、また記事を読みにいらしていただいた皆様、本当にありがとうございますm(_ _)m
For finishing this post, thank you very much for readers who waited long time and come again to read post today!! m(_ _)m

There must not be enough without photos, I placed one of those I took these days★
I took it from new spotting point★ Taking again some targets from this new point is one of the reason why placed long time from the last post(^^;)




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