香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)

デモで3キャンセル④: Encountered 3 cancels due to the demonstrations!④



I have got 2nd cancel on this journey from Egypt air.
I rushed to their office but it had not opened yet, nobody been there.

Now is 7AM they will open at 9AM. Tickes must get higher and be sold out!
Anyway I was forced to find ticket again.
It is same day booking,,,, NO tikets must be found(T■T)! I have already got given up.

I found and was jealously seeing Royal Jordan flying, which extend their flight from Bangkok to Hong Kong same as Egypt air.They would arrive at Hong Kong at 20PM(The price was also same as Egypt air, around JPY28,000....). It must be impossible to find same day air tickets at that time, I could not only find Royal Jordan but also even other tickets. I could only find a ticket to Shenzhen by Shenzhen air, which would arrive there at 23PM.
And I reported that to my boss.

I could get the ticket but,,,,
How on earth I could reach my home in Hong Kong from Shenzhen at such midnight!? 

Finding another problems
after arriving, I asked my colleague to teach me how on LINE and sometimes watched flightrader and saw many flights flying from Bangkok to Hong Kong with much jealously and strongly hated the person who had booked Egypt air...ME?(←of course), but I found something again on the flightrader.

Flightrader shows Hong Kong airline HX766 is coming to Bankok with A330!!   

As I had come to Bangkok with it on 10th August, this flight should arrive at Bangkok at 2AM and be operated by A320. Last night I heard this flight had been canceled. But it was operated with larger aircraft,,,,,, this means,,,,,,

There may be a few vacant seats!

This had suddenly come up to me and I remembered my Hong Kong airline ticket on 15th August was still active. I decided to visit their counter again and try to negociate,,

Their face tought me there might be some and they are trying to find one to me.

After around 15 minutes waiting,,,

They called me and,,,


They could finally find one to me. I could get the flight of 10AM!! I could get it just as a change of ticket!! Anyway
・I should not have canceled Hong Kong airline ticket when I bought Egypt air one.
・It was over 9AM, if I arrived at the counter a little later, I could not get it.

I said “ขอบคุณค่ะ(Thank you)” many many time(T∀T)

Of course I paid some money for the change.

It was already within an hour before departure time, I rushed to depaeture gate, so I could not visit Egypt air office which opens at 9AM and not take Turkish A330 with special mark. Anyway I managed to come back to Hong Kong before 15PM.

↑: 着いたばかり、13日15時前後の香港空港の到着フロアの様子。一晩デモで越した後ですが、出発前の9日の夜よりも明らかに人数が倍増しています。人もすごいですが、おかげで、トイレの列がすごかった。(自分も大変でしたが、女性皆さんは本当に大変だったと思います)
↑: This is the arrival hall in Hong Kong airport at around 15PM on 13th August when I have just arrived. It must be after a night with demonstration, the number of people were apparently more than twice of those at the night 9th August, when I left Hong Kong. I felt it was crazy the many people but the more I felt crazy with the lines in front of the toilets.(I encounterd hard time but I guess women felt more?)

I went to my office later, but I came back to airport again that night and encountered demonstrations...


Some people may say“There are the words “3 cancels” on your title but we can see only 2!” The last one is not I got canceled but I canceled the ticket to Shenzhen(To tell the truth I could not cancel it on the web), so there were 3 cancels include it(^^;)

I could come back to Hong Kong 14 hours delay, earlier than I guseed first but I paid prenty of the money I hope I could do well next time,,,,no I hope more that cancels never happen!

Regard of these demonstrations, there were some other stuffs of our office also could not come back to Hong Kong. The most delayed was 2 days. Due to it our company issued the order that all stuff should not take planes for leisure and need to get approval for other matters.

So it must prevent me from going out from Hong Kong at the 3 days holiday X 2 in September(TωT)  


-香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)
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