香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)

催涙ガスで!?カメラの液晶壊れる: Tear gas broke!? camera LCD



My camera (D810) LCD got broken during the demonstration on 15th Sep(T∀T).

It had NOT been broken by even dropping in the raining at hot and high humidity place,  Phuket. But it got broken by encountering tear gas just twice. 

I do am sure that this reason should be a kind of my feeling but LCD showed wrongly after the first tear gas landing 5m behind me in the afternoon, it recovered once but it stopped displaying after the second landing on just beside me at night.
↑: 前回アップした動画の後のシーンですが、この後液晶が死にます。
↑: This shot was taken after the movie I uploaded last time but after this shot, LCD died.

Anyway taking photos itself is no problem, camera can take photos, I just cannot check the shots.

However I take photos with all manual setting from when I started airliner spotting so I feel much bothering that I cannot check my settings. ....Anyway but I only set WB auto these days(^^;)

I do not know what photographers did during film era but I'm feeling it should be something like this?(Of course it must be more difficult with everything than my this situation)
↑: このあたりの画像は液晶が死んでからなので、設定は全部勘です(-∀-;)
↑: These shots were taken after LCD died, all setting were by a hunch...(-∀-;)


-香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)
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