香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)

8月13日の香港国際空港でのデモ: The demonstrations held at Hong Kong Int'l Airport on 13th August



Many people have already known, large-scale demonstrations were  held at Hong Kong International Airport from late afternoon to next early morning on 12th and 13th August. They caused cancellations of most flights.8月13日の夜はたまたま飛行機撮影で空港に来ており、帰りにデモの前線にも行きましたので、その時の様子をお伝えしようと思います。
I visited airport again for airliner photographying at the night of 13th August and I encounterd that demonstrations. I stayed at the hottest place. I hereby show you what happened in Hong Kong Int'l Airport on 13th August.↑: 8月13日昼過ぎの到着フロアの様子です。半日遅れでバンコクから着いたところです。出発した8月10日深夜より人数が倍増しています。後でニュースで知りましたが、5,000人以上は集まっていたようです。
↑: This shot was taken at the arrival hall in the afternoon on 13th August. I'd just arrived in Hong Kong from Bangkok half day delay from original plan. There were apparently more people than at the midnight of 10th August when I'd left Hong Kong. I knew by news later, over 5,000 people had gotten together.  
↑: 20時前の到着フロアの様子を出発階から
↑: Arrival hall seen from departure hall at around 20PM↑: 到着階の出発・到着案内はメッセージや張り紙だらけでした
↑: There were many posters and massages at the arrival and departure information board on the arrival hall.↑: 床にもいろんな張り紙や、メッセージが張られていました。広東語や英語以外に日本語のメッセージもありました。
↑↑: Floors of arrival hall were also filled up with posters and massges. I could find not only Cantonese and English but also Japanese.↑: 出発階の様子です。こちらも人でいっぱいです搭乗手続きは16時半ごろから既に停止されてたようです。
↑: It was on the departure hall. There were also filled up with lots of people. Checking-in had already been stopped from 16:30 ↑: 出発案内の辺りにもたくさんのメッセージがありました
↑: There were many massages around departure information board.↑: 出発案内はキャンセルだらけでした。一部キャンセル表示でゲートが出ている便がありますが、こちらは実際には飛んだ模様です。香港で足止めになっている乗り継ぎ客や現地で折り返しの便待っている乗客もいますしね。彼らのために飛んだのではと思っています(^^)
↑: I could see many cancels on the departure infomation borad. You can see some canceled flights showing their gates, they actually departed. There were many transit passengers in Hong Kong and also many passangers were waiting for the return flights to Hong Kong at each destinations. I believe they flied for them(^^).
↑: 報道の関係者もたくさんいましたが、中にはこんなところで陣取っている組も!
↑: There also were many press but some groups were staying at such place!! ↑↑: 外の車寄せ(バスの降車場)と出発階を結ぶ3本の連絡橋のうち、中央の橋の様子です。時間は23時を回っていましたが、どんどん人が増えてきたように思います。この時間帯は外に警官隊も集まっていたようで、入ってくるような素振が見えると、大声で『警官隊が来たぞ!』と叫ぶ人、外から逃げてくる人、警官隊にレーザーポインターを当てる人等などなど、、、入り乱れて大混乱でした
↑↑: It was the middle one of the 3 bridges which connect outoside carriage porch(the place buses arrive) and departure hall. I remember it was around 23PM but I felt more people were comming together. Some polices were getting together outside at this time, when they tried to enter airport ,,,, some people screamed “Polices comming!!!” and some were running away from outside, and some were pointing polices with their laser pointers. .....It was totally a chaos.↑: 一番南側の連絡橋では、周辺にあったカートなどを使ってバリケードが作られ始めました。
↑: At the south side bridge, they started to construct barricades by carts around. ↑: 周辺からどんどんバリケードの資材?が集められます
↑: The materials? of barricades were gathered from around. ↑: 外に警官隊が来た瞬間です。いっせいにみんな逃げます。
↑: Polices had just come outside!They rushed away!!↑: バリケード完成?です。連絡橋にいろんなものが詰まっています。
↑: The barricade have just completed? The bridge was filled up with many things.
I decided to leave there because it was over 0 o'clock. The last train is 0:27 and I did not want to take crowded trains or buses. Many flights got canceled this day but AirportExpress and buses were operated almost normally at that time.↑:こちらは私が帰るときに撮影したものですが、ご丁寧?に作ったバリケードを自分たちで片付けていました
 ↑: This was taken when I left airport, I saw they were politely? putting away their barricades.

Then, What target on earth did I go to the airport on such messy day(^^;)? The target was this☆↑: TGのA380です(^^)TGのA380の夜撮り自体は初めてではないですが、このアングルは初めてだったので行ってきました☆
↑: It was TG's A380(^^)It was not my first time to take TG's A380 at night but this anlge was the first time☆


-香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)
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