飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【初撮/昼夜】レッドウィングスの777-200【First taken/Day and Night】777-200s of Red Wings



These days we can see new Russian airline in Hong Kong(^∀^)

It can be seen "WZ" as this screen shot on the airport timetable, the airline is,,,,
(The title of this post has already taught you it...(^∀^;))


Red Wings(^∀^)

レッドウィングスとはː About Red Wings
撮影画像: The photos taken

■レッドウィングスとはː About Red Wings
前身は1999年に設立されたVARZ-400です。こちらの名称はVnukovo Avia Repair Factory』の頭文字をとったもので、2001年に Airlines 400に改称、 2007から現在の名称になりました。
Red Wing is a leisure airlines based on Vnukovo Airport. Its former company is VARZ-400, which was established in 1999. This "VARZ-400" is initial of "Vnukovo Avia Repair Factory" , it changed name to Airline 400 in 2001 and changed again to current name in 2007. 

・777-200は3機保有ː They have 3 777-200s
Planespotters.netによると、Red Wingsの777-200は3機で、稼働中が2機で、保管中が1機のようです。稼働中がVP-BMRとVP-BSJ、保管中がVP-BLIですが、先日VP-BLIを撮影したので、3機とも稼働中だと思います(^∀^)
According to Planespotters.net, they have 3 777-200s, 2 of them are active and the another is parked. The actives are VP-BMR and VP-BSJ, and parked is VP-BLI but I remember I took VP-BLI these days, I regard all of the 3 777-200s are active now(^∀^)  
Red Wings Fleet Details and History (planespotters.net)

Red Wings最初の頃は便数も少なかったですが、最近は一日に2便見かける日もあり、香港では比較的捕獲しやすいエアラインになりました(^∀^)
At first, there were not many flights of them but now, we can see 2 flights on some days, they are now those can be seen easily in Hong Kong(^∀^)  

■撮影画像: The photos taken
It has been fine these days, I selected those I took well★
・昼撮影編: Daytime shots
↑↑↑↑: 07Rからの上り編
↑↑↑↑: Taking off from 07R
↑↑↑: 07Rへの着陸編
↑↑↑: Landing to 07R

・夜撮影編: Night shots
↑↑↑: 07Rからの離陸編
↑↑↑: Taking off from 07R
↑↑: 25Rへの到着編
↑↑: Landing to 25R


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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