飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【初撮/夜撮影】実は香港の会社?Fly Meta の747を初撮影(≧ω≦)【First Taken/Night Photos】HK Company!? First see the B747 of Fly Meta(≧ω≦)



Today's post is about the ⇩ below aircraft ⇩ which I have described a little on the last post, the most important target on this Hong Kong visit.

以前フライトレーダーで発見したことをご紹介した、Fly Metaの747、TF-WFFです☆
TF-WFF, the 747 of Fly Meta, which I introduced the Flightradar screenshot of it in the past☆

実は香港の会社?Fly Metaについてː Hong Kong company? About Fly Meta
TF-WFFについてː About TF-WFF
TF-WFFの香港飛来についてː About TF-WFF flights to Hong Kong
撮影画像: The photos taken

■(実は香港の会社?)Fly Metaについてː (Hong Kong company? )About Fly Meta
Fly Metaという会社、機首のロゴに“飛元時代”とあるので、どこか中国の貨物会社だと思っていたのですが、調べたらなんと、香港の会社でした。
As we can see the Chinese character “飛行時代”on its nose, I guessed it should be one of Chinese shipping companies but I found it is Hong Kong company.
I could not find enough information for introducing this company, only could find it was established on 13th January 2022, it's company registration No. 3121146 (⇦ not important for us.) and its interesting HP.
・香港政府?のページː HKG page?
This may be one of gov sites? but most of its parts are unknown. I may click some materials but, I do not want to pay money or register myself, I gave up(^^;)

・Fly MetaのHPː The HP of Fly Meta
けっこう綺麗なホームページすが、建設中なのか?About Usとか、あまり会社についての情報はありませんでした。
↑I regard their HP is well composed but, should due to under construction, there are not such parts as “About us” or company introductions.

BUT★ I found some MUST-SEE points(^∀^)☆

①トップページの動画ː The movie on the top
A movie will start when we visit their HP top, we can see inside of the cargo aircraft, which we cannot see, I can say this movie is MUST-SEE☆
↑ː 貨物機の2階席が一瞬写ります!!
↑ː We can see inside of the 2nd floor of cargo 747!!!
(I tried to find some Japanese words(^∀^;)、、、ended in vain)

②Configurationのページː Configuration page
I could find a page which they are explaining about cargo on it This their guides are quite nice, must read for us️?

Anyway then, below is the top part of this https://flymeta.com/configuration.html page,,,

Can anyone find...this.?

The tails of 747 is different .,,,it is second 747(≧∀≦)? or a kind of bug?? 
I remember same kind of bug? on the Ruby Star HP⇒To the post

■TF-WFFについてː About TF-WFF
As we can know soon it is origin from JAL by it's aircraft type B747-446BDSF☆
And, as I remember, most of the cargo converted 747s from JAL should be BCF except only one BDSF under Asiana cargo and found, as I expected, it used to be HL7618. And its No. when it belonged to JAL was JA8901. 
↑↑: HL7618

現在はAir Atlanta Icelandicが所有して、Fly Metaの便その他?で運航しているようです。
Currently it is owned by Air Atlanta Icelandic and is operated for Fly Meta and other ? Air Atlanta Icelandic flights, I guess.  
TF-WFF Fly Meta Boeing 747-400(F) (planespotters.net)

■TF-WFFの香港飛来についてː About TF-WFF flights to Hong Kong
上記の通り、TF-WFFはAir Atlanta IcelandicがFly Metaの便として運航するために用意されたようですが、最近の運行を調べてみたところ、ほとんど香港に来ることはなく、欧州とアフリカや北アメリカを結ぶ便に入っているようです。
As I mentioned, TF-WFF is prepared for the Fly Meta flights however it seems not have been to Hong Kong for a moment abut mostly been allocated to the flights between Europ and North America or Africa, 

これらの便がFly Metaの便かどうかは分かりませんが、Fly MetaはおそらくIATAのコードなんか持っていないので、Air Atlanta Icelandicの便番号を研究すれば、もしかしたら、便番号から分かるようなことも、、、あるかもしれません。。。?
I do not know if these flights are for Fly Mera or not. I guess Fly Mera has not got their IATA code, if I study hard Air Atlanta Icelandic's flights numbers, the day I can find Fly Meta flights by seeing flights No will come ,.....?  
Actually, I remember I saw TF-WFF was flying with the unique No. such as CC2XXX or CC4XXX, 


Fly Metaは香港の会社だよね?早く帰ってきなさい(# ゚Д゚)=3!
って言いたくなりますが、特定顧客専用塗装をした機体を自社便に使うのは、Air Atlanta Icelandic あるあるですよね🥺だからこそ、CC便でASTRALやMagma塗装の747を見ることができているわけで、、、、複雑な気分(; ゚Д゚)⇐オチツケ!
I feel like screaming 『 Fly Meta is Hong Kong company, you (TF-WFF) must come back to Hong Kong asap (# ゚Д゚)=3!
....But it should be seen often that Air Atlanta Icelandic allocate their airplanes whose paints are specialized to some of their customers to their own flights or other flights. This enables us to see the 747s with ASTRAL or Magma colors.......feeling complicated (; ゚Д゚)⇐Clum down!!

一応過去のメモとしてですが、香港の飛来は例えば、下記の時刻表の ように、Air Atlanta Icelandicの便、“CCXXXX”で来ていました。また、来るときもアフリカのエンテベ国際空港(EBB)を経由するなど、少し変わった運航の仕方をしているようです。香港からの行先は主にドバイでした。
Blow screen shots are the memos of airport timetables when TF-AFF came to Hong Kong. It came to Hong Kong with the code CCXXXX and came to Hong Kong via Entebbe International Airport (EBB) in Africa and mostly departed to Dubai.

撮影画像: The photos taken
Sorry for placing long contexts before the photos, I'd like to place the photos taken☆


I really hope to see it at daytime next time I visit Hong Kong(≧≦)


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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