飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【初撮/夜撮】Mesk Airの747が撮れた(°∀° )【First taken/Night】I could take 747 of Mesk Air(°∀° )



It having been taken at night but I could take new 747(^∀^), it was,,,

Mesk Airの747-400です(^∀^)☆

747-400 of Mesk Air(^∀^)☆

I remember I saw its photos spotting at IST without some engines at Twitter or something, I had thought it would not come to Hong Kong, so I got really exited when I knew it would come to Hong Kong☆★

Mesk Airについて: About Mesk Air
撮影画像: The photos taken

■Mesk Airについて: About Mesk Air
いろいろとネットで調べてはみたのですが、特にWikiなどで情報は見つからず、また、同社のHPも見当たりませんでしたが、Mesk AirはUAEの航空会社ということまでは分かりました。保有機材は747-400が1機だけだそうです。(この9H-MSKに違いないですが)
I tried to find its information at Internet but could not find those on Wikipedia or its HP. The one I could know was Mesk Air was founded in UAE. Its fleet is only one 747-400.(should be this 9H-MSK)
Mesk Air Fleet Details and History (planespotters.net)

なお、このMesk Airの便は香港国際空港の時刻表では、"Elite Avia Malta"の便として、EAUXXXとして表示されているので、このElite Avia Maltaが運航していることもわかります。
Their flights can be seen as EAUXXX with the name of "Elite Avia Malta" at the timetables of Hong Kong International Airport. It teaches me that their flights are operated by Elite Avia Malta.

同じくPlanespotters.netの情報だと、保有機材に747-400があり、"Oparete to Mesk Air"とあるので、9H-MSKはElite Avia Malta所属で、Elite Avia Maltaが運航していることが分かります。
 And I can find it has only one 747-400 and its operated for Mesk Air at planespotters.net. 
Elitavia Malta Fleet Details and History (planespotters.net)
Elite Aviaは自社のHPがあるので、遊びに行ってみました☆
In turn, Elite Avia seems to have its own HP, and I visited☆
Private Jet Company - Elit'Avia (elitavia.com)

It can be applicable with the HPs f the charter airlines which I introduce these days, there are no information about cargos on their HP, instead I could see "other" aircrafts which are not seen on the fleet list at each photos posting site(^∀^;) I guess they do not show the information of their cargos (or have not update their HP with charter cargos yet)(。。)   

・いつ来るかわからないː could not know when it come to Hong Kong
ところで、Mesk Airなのですが、この11月19日の撮影以外にも何度か香港の時刻表に出ています。EAU301~EAU303ですが出るけどキャンセルを繰り替えしています、、

↑↑↑↑: 出ては来ないの繰り返し(^∀^;)出るたびに来るのでは?とめちゃくちゃ楽しみにしていました、特に週末(><)
↑↑↑↑: They repeated showed and canceled(^∀^;)Every time I saw them, I looked forwarding to seeing them badly, especially on weekend(><) 

After it went to Maastricht on 19th Nov, it have not moved but I could find it flying at the night on 23rd Nov, I expect it will come to Hong Kong in the near future(><)?
Anyway, I really want to see them in daytime(><) 

■撮影画像: The photos taken
I could have only one chance to take it on 19th Nov and there are not many photos taken,,,but please see it☆

As I mentioned, its flights can be seen on airport timetable many times but they were canceled except the one I took, I will monitor them until I can taken it well on daytime(`・ω・′)☆


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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