飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

マスクに穴が、、、開いちゃった(^∀^;)!A hole opened on the mask(^∀^;)!



Under this Covid-19 era, most of the readers may wear the masks everyday. If we use same one for long time, some holes may open in the end...
.... String breakings may occur more than opening holes(・∀・;)

This may applicable to the airplanes.

This was taken on the last Sunday, a hole seems to have opened on the mask which an airplane wears(^∀^;)
↑What are you taking about(・∀・;)!?

~撮影画像: The photos taken~
↑: 日曜の夕方、離陸するカーゴルクスの『Not without my mask 』塗装の、LX-VCFさんですが、なにやら様子が変です。。。
↑: This is LX-VCF, one of the 747s of Cargolux, with 『Not without my mask』 livery, was taking off on last Sunday, there were something strange on it...
↑: !!!
↑: レドームが痛んで修理中?なのかもしれませんが、マスクに穴が開いたみたい(^∀^;)
↑: Something have happened on its redome and it may under repairing, but it can be seen that a hole have opened on the mask(^∀^;)  ↑↑↑: 正直言うと、あまりに高い上りにびっくりしました(@@)クアラルンプール行きでしたが、直後に離陸した台北行きのエアチャイナより高い(><)
↑↑↑: To tell the truth, I got really surprised to see such much high taking off(@@) It went to Kuala Lumpur but higher than the next CI flight to Taipei(><)
↑: 最後に機首をズーム★
↑: Zooming to its nose as the last shot★ 

★反省ː introspection
I had an another target on the evening this day but the weather was much cloudy so I tried to arrive at mountain point just before the target arrived. If I arrived there 30 minutes earlier, I could take better landing shots.....I really regret that(^∀^;)

It must be very rare to see such case, I really want to take it again under better conditions and at night, I now regard it as an urgent target and will chase it earnestly for a whole(><)!!!


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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