
ダンボールの森の中より: From the forest of cardboard boxes



Almost one week went by from previous post, I moved to new apartment in Hong Kong two weekends ago. It took almost one week to recover to normal life and to use PC.

I believe it is not an interesting matter to show my private life because I'm not a kind of celebrities so I decide not to post that kind of articles but anyway I report the moving this time(^^;)

Then, I felt ashamed too much but there were over 150 boxes for my lonely life(^∀^;) Almost ALL floors of 2DK were filled with piles of boxes. All staffs of moving company showed me their bitter smiles(^^;)
↑: 何も画像がないのは、寂しいので、画像を張りつつ、、、改めて自分で思いました。部屋がこの状況引きますネ。なお、DKの方じゃなくて、倉庫にした1部屋の画像です。念のため。ただ、DKの1/2はまだ箱で埋まっています(^^;)
↑: The articles without photos seem uninteresting so I attached this photo here and .......I felt it again that evryone must put off to see this room.....Anyway please be sure that this photo is one of the 2 rooms of 2DK, not of the DK(^^;) I decided to use one room as a weahouse but 1/2 of DK is still filled with piles of boxes(>_<)

And it must be ashame again of me that the contents of most of the 150 boxes are mainly airplane models (1/200) and the things which were sold at Hong Kong. There are almost 100 models of 1/200.
......I put myself off again(^^;;)

↑: なお、ダンボールの奥の、きっと二度と開かないだろうカーテンの向こうにはこんな風景が見えます(^^)見られなくなる前に撮っておいてよかった(^^;)
↑: Then I could see this view from behind the curtains, which will not be opened again in the future. I was right to take this shot before close the curtains. 

Anyway I have been living in Hong Kong for over 8 years, that 150 boxes are proof of blood sweat and tears of my life (←It cannot be only a bit of proud of me)
・I do not want to regret not to buy some after my return to Japan
・They are not foods so I can sell some later when I do not need some.
・I BELIEVE(^∀^;) I could buy most of them cheaper than those of in Japan, if there are some losses in the future they should not be so much. 
This is because I became to decide to buy when I want something only a bit.
....this made such a lot of piles of somethig(^∀^;)

Total amount of goods are those I can open a small shop, at first I planned to decrease some after I return to Japan but now I'm seriously thinking about doing so by some way such as opening internet shop or something(^^;)  



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