【香港国際空港】撮影ポイント④T1車寄せ(南) : 【Hong Kong Int'l Airport】 Spotting Point④T1 Carriage porch(South)


【Hong Kong Int'l Airport】Spotting Point④T1 Carriage porch(South)
※Access information is updated on 26th December 2020
現地画像 : The view of this point
・概要 : Summary
・現地からの眺め : Views from this point
・撮影サンプル : Samples Photos

・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attention
・アクセス : Access

【Information during the period airport doing against coronavirus】※Added on 7th May 2020
②Taking 25L landings from terminal

概要 : Summary
This is Carriage porch(South) , outside of T1 departure floor.
You can find a bench and can take pictures with sitting on it. This place is beside smoking area,,,, i,,s almost a part of it... There being roofs so you can take pictures even in rainy days. Here being a part of airport, easy access to toilets, conveniences stores and restaurants enable you to stay at ease. (Except the smokes)

This place will help you to take planes taking off from 07R in summer when SkyDeck is closed or in rainy days.When HKG operates 07 in summer, we should stay here before SkyDeck opens and move there after open.Being closer to planes than SkyDeck, it also helps you when there are strong gases or at nights, when low shutter speed with much zooming make photographying difficult.

Here is the best place for night shots planes taking off 07R!!

■現地からの眺め : Views from this point

■撮影サンプル : Samples Photos
↑: 朝に07Rから離陸するEKカーゴを撮影。7月後半から8月頭には昇る太陽が正面辺りです(撮影日 : 2017年7月27日)
↑: EK777F taking off from 07R in the morning. From end of July to top of August, sun rises from right in front of 07R.(Photo Date: 2017.07.27)

↑: ここからの07R↑の夜の撮影は最高です(^∀^)夜撮影の資料へ
↑: The night shots of 07R↑ from here is wonderful(^∀^)To the inf of night spotting 

■撮影環境 : Conditions
①使用レンズ : Lenses
Most of shots from here should be taking off 07R, it should be on 200mm to 300mm but 300mm is too zoomed to the right beside shots of large planes which is taking off lower for long distance.

②光線状況 : Sun Rays
Basically same as from SkyDeck. For the shots planes taking off from 07R, they should be follow the lights from afternoon in summer but in summer solstice season(from late May to top of August), it should be from in the morning.
In winter it should be back to the light all day, if you want to take pictures with following lights, it should be better to go to Scenic Hill or behind Cathay City.

③その他 : Other
Now they are extending the roofs of car drop off erea. I used to be able to take the shots bihind it more or with rising moon and sun but now cannot. For the shots of long reach and heavy taking off planes, we can take just around the right beside shots.

■注意事項等 : Attention
This point being beside smoking area,,,almost being a part of smoking area, especially when many smokers are staying, it should be much unconfortable time if you a smokeless parson.
Many people come here for not only smoking but also enjoying meals, taking a nap and so on, at that time there may be no place for you.

■アクセス : Access
We can enter the terminal freely again from Nov 2020, below link is no in use☆

⇒The access during the period airport doing against Demonstrations

I hereby show you how to access here from arrival hall.
↓①Seeing south from center of arrival hall. Please go up to departure hall. There are 3 escalators on arrival hall, south, north and center. so please take south (blue arrow) or center (red arrow).
↓②Please cross the bridge beside counter B.↓③南側のエスカレーターを使った場合の動線は下記のようになります
↓③The route when you choice south escalator is as below.
↓④Please turn right and go out after you cross the bridge, you can reach the point soon.


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