撮影資料(Spotting Data)

ターミナルからの25L着陸の撮影: Spotting 25L landings from terminal



Due to the southwesterly winds from heavy cold from, airport has operated 25 during this long holiday☆

The weather guradually became summer in Hong Kong and the sun has moved to north these days, most of the photos taken from north is following to the lights from noon.

こうなると、觀景山や香港天文台の丘(沙螺湾ポイント) 、山の上ポイント あたりが午後から逆光になり、ターミナルやHAECOなどが順光になってくるようになると思います。また、コロナ対策で最近は週の大半が滑走路が山側(07R/25L)なので、今後25運用の際の25L着陸をターミナから撮影することも増えてくると思うので記事にしたいと思います。
This makes the shots taken from Scenic Hill, Wind Profiler Station(Sha Lo Wan Point) and mountain point back to the lights from noon, in turn, those taken from terminals and HAECO point following to the lights. These day HKG uses mountain side runway (07R/25L) and I guess the case we take 25L approaching from terminals may increase so I decide to post the article of it. 

Spotting point is T1Carriage porch(South) but there are 2 points
・降車スペース: Drop off area 
・喫煙所付近: Beside smoking area
■降車スペース: Dropp off area ↑: 降車エリアはこんな感じです。いろいろ場所が選べそうですが、東側に道路の照明があるので、自分の撮りたい背景に邪魔にならない場所を選ぶことになると思います。
↑: The view of drop off area. We may choice anywhere we want to take, but there are trafic lights on east side, we need to find the points where we can take photos with the back we like without the lights.
And the time we are allowed to stay here for spotting is until 18PM. The securities guards comes to alert us at 18PM, please move to smorking are. 

Belows are sample photos(I took them at around the end of this area)
■喫煙所付近: Beside smoking area
↑: 喫煙所付近です。ベンチもあるので、気軽に撮影することができると思います。
↑: Beside smorking area, there are benchs so you can stay at ease here.

Belows are sample photos.
↑↑: アプローチしてくる機体ですが、降車エリアの屋根の柱の隙間から撮影はできますただし、間の道路をバスが通るので、運が悪いと、バスに邪魔されます。
↑↑: Aproaching planes can be taken between the pillers of the roofs above drop off area. However buses pass in front of us so if we are unlucky, buses may bother these shots.↑↑: 正面のマンションを背景に撮影★
↑↑: Taking with the back of tall apartments.★




-撮影資料(Spotting Data)
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