As I mentioned a little on my post about new year Hong Kong visit, the service center of Nikon and CANNON are located just different towers on the sane buildings, today I'd like to introduce them. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
なお、CANONの方は行って現地を見たわけではないのでその点ご了承くださいm(_ _)m
Sorry but I have not visited CANNON service center, just see it on the tenant list, please be sure of it. m(_ _)m
【注意: Attention】
The office rent in Hong Kong being almost the highest in the world, there can be seen many companies re-locations.
(Actually my company has moved 3 times)
Nikon also moved from the building near 旺角 station.
実際に行かれる方は、行く前に最新の情報をご確認してから、ご訪問くださいm(_ _)m
Please check the latest information before you try to visit there. m(_ _)m
〈各メーカーの関連ページ: Related page on each brands HP〉
・アクセス(2経路): Access (2 ways)
The views of Nikon service center
(Extra)The old Nikon service center
■アクセス(2経路): Access (2 ways)
が、私自身あまり旺角東(Mong Kok East)駅を使ったこともないので、繁華街の旺角に近い太子駅からのアクセスもご紹介します(◍•ᴗ•◍)
The towers are linked to 旺角東(Mong Kok East) station, the most convenient way is coming from this station. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
As on my experiences, I rarely used 旺角東(Mong Kok East) station, I place the information from 太子 station, the next station to 旺角 station.
・旺角東(Mong Kok East)駅から: From 旺角東(Mong Kok East) station
・太子(Prince Edward)駅から: From 太子(Prince Edward) station
・旺角東(Mong Kok East)駅から:From 旺角東(Mong Kok East) station
①旺角東(Mong Kok East)駅はD出口から出て下さい
Please go out 旺角東(Mong Kok East) station from Exit D.
★太子(Prince Edward)駅から来た場合もここまで来るので、この後からは共通です★
★You will reach here when you come from 太子(Prince Edward) station. The way from here is applicable to both ways.★
★とにかく天井にある案内の『Office Tower』を目印に進んでください。
The escalators you can find on your left when you exit from the station lead you to the office tower.
★Please follow the guides 『Office Tower』 on the ceiling. ★
NIKONは左のTower 2
CANONは右のTower 1
When you go up to the office entrance 2nd floor, please
Please go to the Tower 2 on your left for Nikon
Please go to the Tower 1 on your right for CANNON
④Tower 2 (Nikon) の受付
The font desk of Tower 2 (Nikon)
⑤Tower 1 (CANNON)の受付
The front desk of Tower 1 (CANNON)
Please go up to the 20th floor by the elevators behind the front desk.↑: CANON
↑: Nikon
※The photos from here is only Nikon
⑦エレベーターを出たら案内で『Nikon service center』を探して案内に従ってください。
When you go out the elevator, please find 『Nikon service center』on the floor tenant list, and follow the guides.
Now you've arrived. (・∀・)!
・太子(Prince Edward)駅から: From 太子(Prince Edward) station①地図: Map
②太子(Prince Edward)駅はB2出口から出て下さい
Please go out 太子(Prince Edward) station from Exit B2.
After you go out the station, please turn right (to east) and go along (right sidewalk) with the main street BEHIND the station exit.
④3または4(数え方による?)ブロックほど進むと線路の高架の手前の右手にショッピングセンター(新世紀廣場 MOKO)の駐車場の入口があります
After walking 3 or 4 blocks (depends on how you count?), before the train bridge, you can find on your right, an parking entrance to a shopping center (新世紀廣場 MOKO).
You also can find escalators beside the parking entrance, please go them up on.
Please go along with the aisle.
A little forward to the carriage pouch, you can find a door to the shopping center on your left, please enter it.
You can find next doors soon, please enter.
When you enter the shopping center, please turn right↑: 出てきたドア
↑: The door we wnt out
⑩少し進むと旺角東(Mong Kok East)駅の出口にたどり着きます
After walking a little, you can reach to the exit D of 旺角東 (Mong Kok East) station.
The way from here is the same from★
The views of Nikon service center