
香港と徳島に行ってまいりました(´ω`)ː I went to Hong Kong and Tokushima(´ω`)



(No airplanes photos but some train photos on today's post☆)
Having been quite busy these days related both to my work and to private matters, sorry for late updating again...

I finally could have long holidays in November, I went back to Hong Kong and Tokushima (twice) to solve some matters which can be completed only on weekdays such as of banks and of government offices.
・香港編ː Hong Kong ver
・徳島編ː Tokushima ver
・オマケ: Extra
↑This post not being a kind of guide post, I do not need to write with this style

■香港編ː Hong Kong ver↑ː 元啓徳空港近くのホテルに滞在☆
↑ː I stayed at the hotel located near old Kai Tak Airport☆

香港には11/16- 11/20に行ってきました☆
I went back to Hong Kong from 16th Nov to 20th Nov☆
The main purposes were of bank matters and of tidying up my storage room and, of course, of going around in Hong Kong for taking Hong Kong photos and of going to the Hong Kong airport to take some airplanes targets.

↑ː まだまだ完全に開放されていない香港ですが、何とか入境できました。
↑ː The border not being completely released for all foreigners yet but I finally could enter Hong Kong without any problems

Anyway, this information being as of Nov 2022, non Hong Kong residents who have completed to get 4 times vaccines can enter Hong Kong.
Being on a little strange case this time but I'm planning to place some posts to report the things which I encountered from before to after staying in Hong Kong as a record ☆
(This photo was taken at the airport when I arrived at Hong Kong.)

↑ː 銀行では、香港で貯めていた給料全額を送金️。香港を出る前に送金したかったのですが、日本の銀行側で国際被仕向送金はマイナンバー登録が必要とのこと。マイナンバーは施行前に香港に赴任し持っていないので、帰国後住民登録後マイナンバーを付与、銀行に登録してからになったので、かなり遅くなりました。
↑ː I transferred all my salaries paid to me during whole my Hing Kong life. I had wanted to do it before I left Hong Kong but I found my bank in Japan would require me to register MY NUMBER to receive international money transfer.
It was before Japan gov implemented MY NUMBER when I left Japan. I needed to get it first, this is the reason it took such long to receive my money.

↑ː 倉庫というのは、実は香港内に倉庫を借りていて、飛行機模型を置いていています。友人に管理をお願いしていましたので、見に来ました。
↑ː The storage room I described on the top of today's post means that now I'm borrowing a storage room to keep my airplanes models and one of my friends is taking care of it. This time I went to see and tidy up

↑ː もちろん飛行機撮影では山ポイントに行きました(≧ω≦)
↑ː Of course, I went to mountain point for airplanes spotting(≧ω≦)

Anyway then now I have lots of airplanes models in Japan. The cartoon boxes of them and other kinds of models are occupying 2 rooms.
If some readers want to see and know them, I may place the posts which introduce my collections.

■徳島編ː Tokushima ver
↑ː 徳島も香港同様銀行関係と、荷物の一部を実家に運んだりしました。
↑ː Same as in Hong Kong, I went to the banks and to my home to place some my belongings.
↑↑ː 荷物が多いので、レンタカーで千葉と徳島を往復です。
↑↑ː There being lots of things, I rented a car to move them from China to Tokushima
↑ː 都市部の渋滞(特に阪神高速)がいやなのと、下記の撮影のため、行きの千葉→徳島は大阪を抜けるまでは基本的に無休憩(笑)約7時間で淡路島に到着☆
↑ː To avoid morning traffic jam ,(especially on Hanshin express way) and to be in time for taking below photos, I took almost no rest between Chiba and Awaji island. I could reach here in 7 hours☆
↑ː 2回目では乗り出しの際のレンタカーの走行距離が77777!!!
↑ː The total distances of the rent-a-car when I started driving on second time was 77777!!!

↑ː 徳島では、鉄道写真もやりました☆
↑ː This time I tried train photos in Tokushima☆
↑ː 地元民なので、ポイントは自分で見つけました☆が、いいとこ見つけたのに、天気が悪かったので、天気の良い日に撮り直ししたいですね
↑ː Tokushima being my hometown, I tried to find photographing points by myself☆ I could find some nice points but due to bad weather, I need to try again.

Tokushima- seems to be famous it's DCs, if some readers want to know about them I may place some posts about them in the future☆

↑ː 国鉄型は好きな人多いです、、よね(≧ω≦)?
↑ː I believe many people,,,,loves the DCs manufactured by JNR(Japan National Railways)(≧ω≦)?

■オマケ: Extra
↑ːI found a nice place where we can take photos of a car with Mt. Fuji☆

I will try to place the posts about airplane photos taken in Hong Kong asap, please wait a moment



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