飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

625まで増えていた: Increased to 625



Almost half year has gone by from end of July last year, when Boeing announced that they ceased to produce 747s, only ordered cargo 747-8s can be seen as new 747s, these chances must be limited. But fortunately I found 747s of UPS increased these days, the latest No. I found is N625UP.

以前620が出たときに、こちらの記事で出しましたが、N621, N622UP, N623UPを夜撮影して記事にしようかと思っていた矢先に、624を発見したのですが、624を撮る前に625を先に撮ることになりました(笑)
After I posted on this article when I found N620UP, I could take N621UP, N622UP and N623UP at night. During I was preparing the post of them, I found N624UP launched but before I take it, I could take N625UP first(^^;)
(So I have not seen N624UP yet)

It can be seen just normal UPS 747-8F, but anyway please see the photos taken☆
上りは普段撮らないポイント、キャセイ本社前の歩道橋から。この日は別のターゲットを撮り終えて、バスで移動したのですが 、バスの中でタキシングを開始していたので、キャセイ裏やに歩いていく時間がなかったので緊急撮影です。
Departure was taken at the point where I do not visit, on the footbridge in front of Cathay City. When I was on the bus on the way back to city after taking last target this day, I found N625UP started taxing, there were not enough time to walk to behind Cathay City or Scenic Hill.
The photos I could take was only this(^^;)

I have taken such urgent photos from here several times in the past, but during my long blanch, conditions got worse badly(><)



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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