飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

誘導路まで飛行機でいっぱい: Planes are placed even on sideways



After coronavirus spreaded, many airports are filled up with planes, I believe. Yes, HKG is also filled up with airplanes. I'd like post about it as a record.

↑: 山ポイントから見た様子です。
↑: This is the view from mountain point. 
↑: (携帯撮影なので画質が悪くてすいません。。)07R/25Lのエンドでは誘導路まで飛行機が停められています
↑: (Sorry for the rough photo taken by mobile)This is also seen from mountain point. Many planes are placed on the sideway on the end of 07R/25L.↑: こんなの今しか撮れないから、昼に頑張って前から撮りました(^^;)
↑: We can take this kind of shots only now so I managed to take them from their front in daytime(^^;)↑↑↑↑↑: 2月にプーケットに行ったときに機内から撮影したものです☆
↑↑↑↑↑: These were taken from inside the plane when I went to Phuket in this February. さて、こうして外側の誘導路が使えない状態になると、下記の夜の絵が撮れなくなるので、最近夜のエンドの撮影がめっきりなくなってしまいました(><)
Anyway then, now outside sideway cannot be used for taxing, this means I cannot take below shots at night so I have not been to the 25L end point for taking these shots at night these days(><)↑: この構図は、外側の誘導路を通った機体が滑走路に入る時しか撮れないのです(><)
↑: This kind of shots can be taken only when the target taxi on the outside taxiway and just before it enter to the runway(><) 


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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