飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【夜撮り/初撮り】エアブリッジカーゴの777F!【Night Spotting/First take】777F of Airbridgecargo!



On a day in January, my company suddenly forced me to take examination in Feb, it must be apparently impossible to pass it. So I'm doing a thing named studying after long long interval. It has been quite fine these days it must be much stressful for me to stay home and study in fine weekends(^^;)   

However, as of night spotting in 07 operation days, I can do spotting on the bench with studying in the terminal, so I sometimes come to airport when I find some targets.

Yesterday was a kind of that days, I found some targets coming to Hong Kong, I went to airport and studied during spotting. When I was eating dinner in the terminal, I happened to find below aircraft suddenly shown up on the flightradar. I got really surprised!!
(I know most of the readers know it by the title of this post(^^;))
That is 777F of Airbridgecargo!!!
I had known about them thanks to the some posts from Russian local spotters on some photos posting sites and SNSs, I guessed some of them would come to Hong Kong in the near future but yesterday I did not aware of its arrival so I got really surprised and rushed back to the spotting point☆ 

Anyway then please see the photos taken(^^)☆

This ship, VQ-BAO has just launched in 2020, totally new☆ 

The last is extra☆

This is one other Airbridgecargo flights I took yesterday. The aircraft type was 748 and the name of its flight number was RU748, yes☆ both aircraft type and flight number were 748(^^)
As you can find from it, we can see some flights of Airbridgecargo in Hong Kong on the same day☆  


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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