飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【新年のご挨拶】ラッキーな虎【New Year Greetings】Lucky Tiger shots



皆様、新年あけましておめでとうございますm(_ _)m
本年も頑張りますので、どうぞよろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m☆
Dear everyone! A Happy New Year!!!m(_ _)m
Everything thanks to you all, I can continue this blog for 3 years☆
I really appreciate again you all coming to my blog(*≧ω≦*)
I will try to do my best on the posts this year☆ m(_ _)m☆

Then, as the first post of 2022, this year being the tiger year, I decided to post ⇩below  LUCKY tiger shots⇩ long time ago☆ this is,,, 

プーケットで撮影した、ロシア航空の747-446で『Caring for Tigers together』塗装のEI-XLDのゲートショットです(≧∀≦)☆
The gate shots of EI-XLD, the 747-446 of Rossiya Airlines with "Caring for Tigers together" livery taken at Phuket International Airport.(≧∀≦)☆

なぜ、このゲートショットがラッキーなのかというと、、、ːThe reason why these gate shots are lucky is because,,,
撮影画像: The photos taken

■なぜ、このゲートショットがラッキーなのかというと、、、ːThe reason why these gate shots are lucky is because,,,

Due to no movements, usually gate shots should be boring but be very rate at Phuket because,,,

Same as Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK), there are some distances from windows in the international terminal ※except near gate No.10 and No.11.
※At the last time when I went there, international terminal was under expansion works, current status may not be the same. 
In the international terminal, the places where we can reach to the windows are only the waiting areas before boarding but, same as Suvarnabhumi Airport, Kuala Lumpur Int'l Airport (KUL), only passengers are allowed to enter there and, of course, it is only before their boarding.  

Waiting areas are located at the port side (left side) of the spotting planes, only the passengers whose flight is spotting at the right next gate (starboard side) of the target plane can see it well. 

That is,,,
During the target plane is spotting, only the passengers whose flight is at the left (seeing fron inside of the terminal) next gate of the target plane can take this kind of gate shots when they are borading(^∀^)☆ 

Not only being lucky that this EI-XLD came but also ※my flight spotted at the right next gate, I could take these shots☆
※I remember it was Air Asia flight to Hong Kong scheduled15:40, the same departure time same as Rossiya(^∀^) 

It being very famous 747, many readers may have already known that, and the type 747-446 teaches us, this EI-XLD comes from JAL and its code JA8914☆
They having joined to Transaero, the previous company of Rossiya Airlines, many 747s from JAL are now working in Rossiya Airlines☆↑: EI-XLDはトランスアエロ時代に香港に来たこともあります☆
↑: EI-XLD came to Hong Kong sometimes during its Transaero era☆

■撮影画像: The photos taken
There are not many angles but please see the lucky gate shots(≧ω≦)☆
↑: 室内の映り込みが一番少ないので、これが一番かな☆
↑:Thanks to the least reflections from the inside, this shot is the best, I believe☆
↑: 搭乗中のボーディング・ブリッジから。ギリギリまで撮影していたので、急いでいたのですが、もう少し待つべきでした(^∀^;)
↑: Taken from the boarding bridge, I took as many photos as possibe from inside the terminal, I had no time then but should have wait a moment(^∀^;)

It may be able to be said that some airlines use same gate when they come to Phuket, I remember I had seen same situations, Air Asia Hong Kong flight spotted next to Rossiya 747s (^-^)☆↑↑: 2016年12月25日にも同様にロシア航空の747を撮るチャンスがありました☆
↑↑: I could have a chance to take Rossiya 747 at same situation on 25th Dec 2016☆.

Anyway, I also have sometimes seen both Air Asia and Rossiya 747s spotted at open spot so this situation should not be seen every time. Actually I saw Rossiya 747 spotted at open spot at 21st March 2020 and I boarded to Air Asia from open spot in Feb 2017.  

As the last, I place the zoomed shot☆

I really hope you this year will be the best year to you all(^ー^)☆ 


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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