飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【速報】Jet One XのVQ-BWMが香港初飛来☆【Beaking News】Jet One X VQ-BWM first visit to Hong Kong ☆



Today's post is a Beaking News☆ 

先日フライトレーダーの紹介でちらっとご紹介しましたが、Jet One XのVQ-BWMが早速香港にやってきました☆
As I have just introduced this aircraft at the Flightradar part on the last post, I could see VQ-BWM, one the 747s of Jet One X, first visit to Hong Kong yesterday☆
Shortcut to the photos taken☆

Anyway, the time I had known that it might come to Hong Kong was in the afternoon on last Thursday.
Below was taken after landing, but we can see “6T6633” on the “PASSENGER TIMETABLE” of Hong Kong International Airport.
6TはJet One Xの便の運航会社である、Longtail Aviationのコードですが、これまで香港に来るときはいつも貨物の時刻表に表示されて、来港する機体も、747貨物型のVQ-BWSや747-400BCFのVQ-BWTでした。
6T is the code of Longtail Aviation who operates Jet One X flights. All 6T flights I could see in the past were on the cargo timetables and the aircrafts of them were VQ-BWS, 747-400 cargo, or VQ-BWT of 747-400BCF.
In Hong Kong, due to the flights operated by passenger aircrafts or preighter aircrafts seem not to use cargo terminal facilities, they seem to stay at the termnal or on the spots and carry the cargos into the cabin same as passenger flights. This should be the reason they are shown on the passenger timetables, so I can say when some cargo campanies flights can be seen on the passenger time tables, the aircraft typeof them should be preighter.   

プレイターのA346(3)で運用されているAir Atlanta Icelandicの便やB772のプレイターで運用されているAlice Cargoの貨物便なんかも全部旅客便の時刻表にいます。
For example, the cargo flights operated by preighter A346(3) of Air Atlanta Icelandic and those operated by preighter B772 of Alice Cargo can be seen on the passenger time tables 

木曜日に金曜日の旅客の時刻表に6Tの表示を見つけた時は、Longtailのプレイター機材、つまり確実にJet One X塗装のVQ-BZVかVQ-BWMがだと思い、金曜だから撮れんわーと悲しみに暮れていたところ、幸運にも?ディレイで土曜に撮影することができました☆
Thus I guessed this 6T6633 must be operated by VQ-BZV or VQ-BWM, the Jet One X color 747 preighter fleets of Longtail Aviation. At first I felt sad because I cannot go out for spotting on Fridays but, fortunately?, I could see it on the Saturday (yesterday) thanks to its delay☆

Thus I came to the mountain point under the worst rainy conditions(T^T)↑ː 雨でかつ携帯撮影で見づらいですが、1枚の写真の中にキャセイの747が11機もいます☆
↑ː It must be hard to see it due to it taken by mobile and the rain but I can see 11 Cathay 747s on the one shot☆
(It must be sperb without the rain,,,,)

SORRY for placing long stories, let's see the photos of VQ-BWM☆ ↑↑↑↑↑↑ː かなりきつめに画像処理をしましたが、それでも、はっきりと見えないですねー(*_*)
↑↑↑↑↑↑ː I edited badly but could not make them clearly(*_*)↑ː プレイターエリアに入るあたりなんかは、撮影した時は雨ではっきりと見えませんでした(@@;)
↑ː I could not see clearly when it entered to preighter area(@@;)

Then this VQ-BWM apparently comes from KLM, and its old registration No. was PH-BFV☆ ↑ː  PH-BFV

Anyway then as of the departure of it, it departed around 14ː30, quite earlier then its expected departure time.
It going to Seoul on the windy day, it was expected take off too high, I could only find one point to take it, at mountian point, meaning just staying but I had seen many preigher flights delayed, I concluded it must kill me to keep standing under cold rain, I decided to leave without waiting for its departure(^∀^;)
I really hope to see it on the best conditions(≧≦)
I will post about it again when I can take it then☆☆ 



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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