飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【夜撮影】しばらくおあずけかな?【Night Spotting】Need to wait for a moment?



この前のWestern GlobalのN258SNの初めての撮影でも使用したポイントですが、ギャラリーも含めて、このような画像を時々出していますが、最近の滑走路1本使用では撮れないことが分かりました(-ω-)
As of the spotting point where I took the photos of N258SN, newest 747 of Western Global Airlines, when I introduded it on my this post and you may see some photos with same angles on my galleries and on some posts, I found I need to wait a moment to use this point until end of current one runway operation.(-ω-)

⇩The reason is as below⇩
All cargo flights, except some short range flights (pink arrows), taxi on the north side taxiway after they across the runway.

↑: このポイントからだと、脚立が必要かつ、フェンス越ですが夜だと綺麗な機首アップが撮れるので、好きな貨物機は基本的に撮るようにしています☆
↑: Need to bring ladders and to take photos through the fences but we can take nice nose night shots at night☆ I often come to this point to take my favorite cargo planes(´ω`) 

There are some airlines I want to take from there but due to these current operation, I tried from north side last time when I got take them at night.
↑: 北側から内側の誘導路を通る機体を撮影すると、少し遠くて、こんな絵になります。
↑: When I take the planes taxing on the inside taxiway from north side on current operation, the shots should be like this.
↑: 運よく一番外側の誘導路を通れば、個人的に一番好きなこんな絵になるのですが、貨物機は基本的に内側の誘導路を使うみたいで、運よくと言っても、かなり運がよくないと撮れないと思う(^^;)
: If I am lucky, if my cargo targets taxi on the out side taxiway, I can take my favorite angle like this, but most of cargo flights taxi on inside taxiway, there are almost no chance, I need to get much more luck(^^;)


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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