飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

ANAのタワーショット: Tower shot of ANA



This subject is of Japanese airlines but I could take rare shots with one of them from Scenic Hill so I'd like to show you today(^^) 

It is just top of the article,,, ↓but anyway please see it(^^)↓ ↑: ANAのB788のタワーショットです(^^)
↑: The tower shot of ANA 788(^^)

When it comes to taking photos from Scenic Hill, I myself love this kind of shots the most, placing planes on the center with full view of 2 control towers on its back☆

Just from my experiments, most of the flights which fly in front of 2 contorol towers like this shot are middle range cargos (long range cargos fly lower ) or most of long range 777s. Short range flights and those with small aircrafts already fly high, even if we are lucky, only small parts of higher tower shows on the corner of the shots. The flights to Japan, Korea and Taiwan usually fly too high, so I usually do not care of them(^^;)And regardless of their flight ranges, most of A359/A351 fly too high(><)
※Of course it must be depend on the weathers or totall weights of the flights, there must be another situtations.

↑: 同じ日のJALの上がりです。日本・韓国・台湾辺りの便はこれが普通です(^^;)
↑: Taking off of JAL on the same day. Those to Japan, Korea and Taiwan are usually like this(^^;)

↑: どうせ上がりも高いし、機体番号も撮れるか分からないだろうと、座って眺めていたら、いきなりこんなに低い上がりが来たので、飛び起きて大興奮で撮影しました(^^)
↑: I was just sitting and seeing it because I expected its too high taking off and difficulities with seeing reg no so I got really surprised to see its taking off so lower that I rushed to stand up and take it much excited(^^)

I got really happy to take rare ANA's Hong Kong like shots on such day with good conditions☆ 




-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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