飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

また柄がない(T-T)!!No paint AGAIN!!(T-T)



This is the subject with the ship which came to Hong Kong yesterday(4th Nov)☆


I have wanted to take this ship for loooong time. My dream MIGHT finally come true(^^)!
To tell the truth, I went to a certain airport on last Saturday and Sunday so I planned to visit there again yesterday but I changed to stay Hong Kong because I found the flight schedule of this ship.

The expected arrival time was 9:30. Japan was holiday yesterday so I was off but of course Hong Kong was weekday, I did not want to stay long time in the crowded trains or buses, I left home at dark time, 6:00AM and was going to the spotting point with feeling so excited.

Now I remembered the same situation before.... 


↓The ship comming to Hong Kong was this↓

One of the 747-400s of Aerotranscargo registered as ER-BAJ. I had happend to take its first coming to Hong Kong in Dec 2017. I remember it has not been to Hong Kong from that day (Except some times when I were not aware)

↑: 2017年12月23日に撮影した最初に香港に来た時の画像です。
↑: Taken on 23rd Dec 2017, the first day it came to Hong Kong.


The reason why I have really wanted to take the plane which I have already taken, for long time was,,,,

↑: フライトレーダーの画像を見たいただければ分かるように、Uni-top Airlinesのロゴがついています。この会社の便に充てられていて、しばらくずっとルクセンブルグと中国の間を往復していたのです。
↑: As you can see this screen shot of flightrader, the logos of Uni-top Airlines were on its body. It had been allocated to the flights of Uni-top between Luxembourg and China for long time.

Then the time I take it commig soon(^^)


If you(←should be “you all”) have already imagined the end,, I'm sorry for placing long story before.





↑: また柄がない(T■T)

Same as last post, second time encoutering no paint.(T^T)

Exactly speaking, this time it should not be NO PAINT but be NO WORDS? 

To tell the truth, I expected this end when I thought it might be bothering to show the Uni-top logos on the body for non Uni-top flights and when I found the date of the photos on that flightrader screen shot was July, there might be enough time to erase the logos....  

The return flight of it was at night so I stayed a little longer there and went back home(-ω-).

Then, most of the poeple who is reading this post knows that ER-BAJ came from,,,↑: センチュリオンのN742WA(N906AR)ですね(^^)
↑: N742WA(N906AR) of Centuruion Cargos(^^)

I really regard this airline is the most interesting airline amang the spotting at HKG and I must answer the hottest airline should be Aerotranscargo if I asked. I had planned to post the articles of it before starting this blog, I will post it in the near future(^∀^) 


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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