This is the subject with one of the ships I took on last Saturday.
This article itself is a kind of the new plane I took as usual but I found many interesting information when I prepared for this article, so it got a long article(^^)
Then, I had originally planned to go to a certain airport but I suddenly changed that plan to go to Hong Kong Airport. I went to that airport on Sunday (I will report it later☆)
The reason I changed the plan was ↓THIS↓. ↑: 空港のHPに載っていたCC4239という便。このCC---は、ずっと撮りたかったエアラインで、撮るためにヨーロッパまで行こうかとまで思っていたエアライン。実は9月15日に一度香港に来ていて、出発に気づいたのがデモの撮影の真っ只中、緊急移動ができなくて、なんで空港のHPをチェックしていなかったのかと、苦い思いをしていました。9月15日が週末だったので、週末の度に空港のHPを見てチェックしていたら、とうとうそのチャンスが!CC4239にワクワクして夜も眠れません(寝たけど)
↑: Last Friday I found a flight code CC4239 had been showed on airport HP. This airline, CC----, was the airline which I had wanted to take their fleets from long time before and I once planned to go to Europe to take them. To tell the truth, I saw one of them had come to Hong Kong on 15th September but I could not take it because I found the departure when I was taking pictures in the demonstration so I could not rush to airport urgently, I got really regretted having not checked airport HP before. 15th September being weekend, I have been checked airport HP at every weekend from 15th Sep. When I finally found this no, CC4239 on last Friday, I got really excited(^^)!!!
The showd expected arrival time was 5:40. It is midnight but if HKG oprates 25 I can take both runway, if HKG oprates 07, I can take only if HKG uses 07R. And I can be in time for 5:40 arrival even after checking the used runway on 1:30AM because it takes 1 hour by bus and 1 hour on foot. Anyway HKG selected 07L, I found I could not take photos so I gave up and decided to visit dream land with concerning about no such flight being showed on flightrader because it should be showed on it at 1:30AM if it could be in time at 5:40AM from Ulaan Baatar to Hong Kong.
朝です。The morning has come,,

一応近所。。(笑)..Near my home...(^ ^;)
家から撮影ポイント(HAECOポイント)まで約1時間半なので、、、到着撮れるじゃん(°∀° )!!!
I woke up at 7:22 and saw flightrader sooner and found,,,
CC4239 is comming to Hong Kong and EAT is 9:34!!!
It takes 1 and half hour from my home to the spotting point (HAECO point), I can see its approaching(°∀° )!!!
I rushed to there.
I placed long story before showing the plane's info (sorry...) but the plane was this, TF-AMA.
Seeing below photo showed on flightrader (sorry this screen shot is of the return flight), I was going to the point with feeling really exited with it.
Then the time when I see this plane finally came(^∀^)
The title of this article may enable most of you to imagine the end.....
It must make you dissappointed when you see no painted plane after this long long story(^^;)(SORRY,,,,)Same as it, my motivation got 90% OFF like big sale. I planed to go to moutnain point to take its departure but 10% motivation cannot enable me to do it,,,,(*∀*)
Anyway I tried to know the new departure time↑: とりあえず、先に到着の様子。4時間17分遅刻。で、出発予定は、、、、
↑: Let me show you the actual arrival time 4 hours and 17 minutes delayed. And the new departure time was,,,,
おい! CC4242!4時間以上も遅刻して、なんで出発予定が最初の予定より30分も早いのよ(笑)!?
Hey! CC4242! You arrived over 4 hours delayed but why are you going to leave 30 minutes EARLIER than your original schedule!?
Just unloading cargos? No refueling? So this means it will take off higher??
I regarded this time must be wrong but the airport showing this time I have no other choices but to believe it. However it was almost 10AM, going to mountain point by 11AM is not impossible but it must require me to walk quite faster,,,that's really hard work to me(´■`;)
I guessed if this long flight was actualy light (↑as I imagined↑), the angle from 觀景山(Scenic Hill) may be nice!?. And going to 觀景山(Scenic Hill) enables me to leave HAECO point just 30 minutes before the departure time. I expected it at ease,,,,exactly speaking, just choicing easy way,,,, and changed my plan to do to so(^^;)
I arrived before 11AM!......
I waited,,,and waited long time but CC4242 seems not to start to depart...
↓I finally took it after 13PM(´■`;) And it got cloudy(T■T)↓
Both the time CC4239/CC4242 stayed in Hong Kong (about 2 hours) and the angle with which it took off were just as normal(-_-;)
Never! It never end here!!!(←Who!?)
Then I investigated 3 matters related to this article(^^)
・TF-AMAとは!?: What is the plane, TF-AMA?
・便名のCCって?What does the flight code CC mean?
・Astral AvaiationのHPは興味深い(^^)!: The HP of Astral Aviation is interesting(^^)!!
As of this ship, when I see BDSF(Of course and BCF) of 747-400 under pure cargo airlines, I really want to know the history of it. This ship is 747-45E(BDSF) so the first delivery was to Eva Air (5E) as many people can recognize soon. It was delivered as 747-400M and converted to cargo under Eva Air.
This ship was the last 747 at Eva Air and the last flight was 4th June this year, yes, 2019. Of course it had come to Hong Kong many times, of course I have taken it some times...
↑: 今年、そう、2019年の5月にも撮影していました☆
↑: It was taken on May 2019, yes, this year☆
いちいち2019年とうるさいですが、自分も調べた記事を見たとき、何度も記事や情報を見直しましたが、今年の6月にエバーを離れて、新しい会社で一度Astral Aviationの塗装になり、10月で既に塗装が解かれているって、かなり短い塗装だったと思いません(^^;)!?
You may think I'm emphasizing 2019(this year) so much. I have checked the news and information again and again but,,,it delivered to next company on and after June this year and was changed its paint to Astral Aviataion but they have already erased that paint before last Saturday (26th October), it was so shot time with that paint, don't you think(^^;)!?
■便名のCCって?What does the flight code CC mean?
便名の“CC”はAstral Aviationではなく、Air Atlanta Icelandicになります。因みに、Astral Aviationは8Vだそうです。Air Atlanta Icelandicと言えば、マレーシアの放置ジャンボも元が、Air Atlanta Icelandicで機体記号もこの機体と同じくTF-○○○になっていましたね(^^)
The CC on its flight No is not for Astral Aviation but for Air Atlanta Icelandic. The one for Astral Aviation is 8V. Then, when it comes to Air Atlanta Icelandic, the 3 left 747s at Kuala Lumpur Int'l Airport used to belong to Air Atlanta Icelandic and their reg no are same as this ship, TF-○○○(^^)
■Astral AvaiationのHPは興味深い(^^)!
今回Astral Aviationのことを調べていて、同社のHPを覗いてみましたが、興味深かったです(^^)
I visited the HP of Astral Aviation this time, I found it is very intresting(^^)!
↑: Top Page(^^)
面白い点①フリート: Interesting Pont①Their Fleets
We can see fleet ifnormation on the botom part on the top page, PLEASE SEE CAREFULLY!!!
B747-400F is OK but I can see B727F and DC9F(°∀°)!!!This company really have active fleets of them!?If they are actually active, I really want to take when they are flying(°∀°)☆
面白い点②スケジュール: The interesting pont②Schedules
I saw schedule page, they show their oparating days and times there, and they kindly provide us PDF time tables(^^)Thinking about it being difficult to know the time schedules of cargo airlines, I can day this company is very kind to us(^^)!
あと、スケジュールのページを下に見ていくと、、、And if I continue seeing the schedule page,,,
They show that they come to Liege and England, it should be there if we take this company. Taking their B727 and DC9 should be difficult because they seem to be limited inside Africa(><)
As the end,,
This article is about no paint of TF-AMA. But the ship which came to Hong Kong on 15th September was TF-AMU, which is showed on the top page of their HP. I do will try to catch it if it comes to Hong Kong again in the future(^^)!!!