先日香港で撮影したCompass AirのLZ-CJAをご紹介しましたが、、、(・∀・)
As I introduced LZ-CJA of Compass Air on the last post,,(・∀・)
投稿でも触れた通り、こちらのLZ-CJAは元ACT AirlinesのTC-MCTです。(◍•ᴗ•◍)
As I mentioned on that post, this LZ-CJA used to be TC-MCT, one of the fleets of ACT Airlines. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
が、実は他にも2機ACTからCompass Airに移籍しています。
However, actually, other 2 747s seem to have moved from ACT Airlines to Compass Air.
The 2 are below 2.
At a glance, no major paint changes can't be found except reg. No. (。ノω\。)
(Reg No. should not be included into those found at a glance. (・∀・;))
うーん、、、、ちゅまんない(´ . .̫ . `)
Hmmm,,, boring (´ . .̫ . `)
■撮影画像: The phots taken
I could see both 747s on the same day during my last visit to Hong Kong★
I hope this should be nice phot if there being no lights between them and me.(><; )