Below flight, which I introduced on this post as I forced me to go to 25L end point before going to office,
このコード、BECを調べたら、どうやらBerkut Air(すいません、読み方自信ないので英字のままです(笑))というカザフスタンのエアラインのようです。
I tried to know this airline code BEC, I found it is Kazakh airline, Berkut Air(Sorry I do not know how to pronounce this word).
According to Wiki(Eng), this airline is based on Nur-Sultan and operates Kazakh Government charter flights. The photo of B5 with Kazakh goverments color is attached.
I could find they have B757, A320 and so on, also find IL-76TD as cargo fleet, I hoped it would come. And the expected arrival time was 6:20AM, if it actually would arrive this time, I can be in time for my office, so I decided to check Flightradar and go to see it if possible.
⇒To the people who want to see the photos first
で、恐ろしいことに気づいたら寝ていて、起きたのが朝の3:55、眠気眼でフライトレーダーを調べたら、香港方向に向かってきているIL-76TDを発見、これは絶対Berkut Airに違いないと思うも、行先が設定されていないので、肝心の到着予定時間が分からなかったのですが、運よく前後にキャセイの便があり、到着予定時刻がそれぞれ6:05と6:20確実に間に合うと思い、撮影に行くことに決定、6時現地到着を考えると、4:30のバスに乗らないといけないので、大急ぎで用意してバスに乗りました。
It must be terrible that I fell asleep and woke up at 3:55AM, I tried to find Berkut Air on the Flightradar first, and found an IL-76TD was facing to Hong Kong side and guessed it must be Berkut Air! But it was flying without destination, I could not find the most important information, the expected arrival time. But thanks to 2 Cathay flights flying at forward and back of it, their expected arrival time was 6:05 and 6:20 so I decided to go spotting. I rushed to take 4:30 bus to arrive the point before 6:00AM
Due to I brought night set, 70-200, I walked 10 minutes to 25L end point, almost right below of approaching planes.
(I regreted not to bring daytime set, 200-500 because it enables me to do spotting near bus stop and take shots with Hong Kong back)

②25Lエンド周辺、進入灯側まで行けます : Around 25L End, you can go close to ALS lights.
↑: このあたりです。スーツで来たので暑い暑い(^^;)
↑: I came around with business suits, it was really hot(^^;)
Then, sorry for my long stories ahead, Berkut Air will arrive soon☆
I could find it(^^)I got really excited because I could not know its color in advance☆
It seems to be same color with the B757 on wiki, that it Kazakh goverments color☆
Zeemed shot(^^)
The weather was bad but I was satisfied with seeing rare IL-76☆
Then the most important thing, actual arrived time was below
Airport HP said it was 6:27 but the time it flew over me was 6:18. The last bus to be in time for my office was 6:32, so I rushed back to the bus stop. The bus took over me just before I reached to the bus stop(><)
To be continued to its night departure☆