飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【ATGに新メンバー!!】どうしてもその日に見たかった【New member for ATG!! 】I really wanted to see it on that day.



Everyone listen to me! This is a braking news!!(But I'm posting it after weekend...) 

Anyway, please see below screenshots from Flightradar first★

As you can see, a new 747 has jointed to ATG, Aerotranscargo!!!

After 12th November, when I took this screenshot and when I first found this flight, I have been thinking about it every day. 

The reason why I was excited and was interested in it that much was because, when it comes to Aerotranscargo, they do not have their regular paint and all of their fleets are second-hand 747s and they operate them with the color which we can easily recognize previous cargo airlines (except ER-BAM, all white one). As you can see on this screen shot with no photos of it, I got really interested in its color (=which airline it comes from).  

アエロトランスカーゴは、香港では一日に2便撮れるようなこともよくあるので、近い将来必ず見ることができると思ってはいますが、とにかく、初めて、ファインダーの中で初めて見たときの、『元〇〇だったんだ!』という感動をどうしても味わいたいので、誰かがJet Photos Netに投稿して、フライトレーダーに画像が載る前に、とにかく撮りたかったので、8月13日の夜に出発する便があったので、夜撮りで撮ってきました。
I can say aloud that I could do see it in the near future, because I can see some of their fleets on the same day in Hong Kong BUT!!! I really wanted to enjoy the first impression to know the previous airlines, I decided to take it before someone post its photos on Jet photos net (can be seen on the Fightradar). Fortunately I found its departure flight at the night of 13th Nov, I rushed to airport after work. 

I was really concerning if I could be in time for it because there were not enough time before its expected departure time.
And for some reason, I took it from different point than as usual.(I failed a little.....) 

There are only 2 shots but please see the below photos taken★

確実に元Air Cargo Globalですね(^ω^)★
It apparently came from Air Cargo Global(^ω^)★

Then, as I expected I found its departure flight in daytime on the last weekend, I went to take it.
However,,,as you can see, the conditions were too bad I'm sure to take it again on the day with better condition!!! 


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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