香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)

9月29日のデモ(動画もあり): Demonstrations on 29th Sep (Photos and movie)



As of the demonstrations on last Sunday (29th September)

This time I took mostly movies, not many photos but I show you some.

☆I uploaded following 2 movies on Youtube first☆
This movie is showing polices extinguished burning barricades with water cannon and were going into 銅鑼灣. 

This movie is showing the conflict when polices started to retreat once. Some protesters were chasing polices tenaciously. Polices accepted the battles with tear sprays. The way polices were retreating was not a kind of polices way to go away. It was so confused and many things were thrown to police vehicles from every side by side. 

■下記は写真です: Followings are photos■↑: 政府庁舎の前の様子。デモ隊は石や火炎瓶を投げ入れ、警官隊も催涙ガスや放水で応戦しています。道路が青いのは、放水の際に青色に着色された水を使用しているからですが、デモ隊だけじゃなく、当然周辺にたくさんいるプレスも私もこの後浴びました。。。
↑: This was in front of the government office. Some protesters were throwing rocks and petrol bombs. Polices accepted the battles with tear gas and water cannon. You can see the road is blue, this is because the water polices used was colored blue. Not only protesters but also many presses around, of course include me, got wet with the blue water later. 
↑: 灣仔付近の様子。バリケードが激しく燃えていました。
↑: This was near 灣仔(Wan Chai). Barricades were buring with blaze fire.
↑: こちらは銅鑼灣付近の様子です。ちょうどゴミ箱に火がつけられたところです。
↑: This was near 銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay). A protester had just set fire to a garbage can.
↑↑: 銅鑼灣ではタクシーが一台犠牲になりました。非警察車両への攻撃は今回初めて見ました(汗)
↑↑: A taxi was destroyed at 銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay). It was my first time to see the attacks to non-police vehicles.





-香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)
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