『The time I finally see it is the final time,,,,,, I see it』
This words suddenly came up with me, which I heard them in an animation I watched long time ago and one of the charactor said them.
↑This means I do not remember almost all(^^;) ?
I did not planned to place this post with this title but the aircraft and the airline I want to show you today is below one☆
↑: Virgin Australiaの777-300です☆
↑: 777-300 of Virgin Australia☆
コロナが原因で、各社運休や減便、機材小型化をしている中、何故かVirgin Australiaは通常A332のところを、777-300に変更して香港に来ていました
After coronavirus had appeared many airlines had decrease or canceled their flights or changed their ships smaller but Viegin Australia changed the ship larger, from A332 to 777-300
But the flights changed from 2 flights a day, both arrived in evening and departed at night to 1 flight arrived in the late afternoon and departed in next morning on some days.
さて、このVirgin Australiaについて、ショッキングなニュースが出ていました(><)
Anyway then, a sad news related to Virgin Australia had been issued(><)
They have entered voluntary administration(><;)
I expected I could enjoy taking them,,,,it must be very sorry to hear(><)
All photos on today's post were taken in April but I remeber I have not seem them in May(;;)
↑↑: I could take landings twice, I thought I should take them from different points, I went to 2 points.
↑↑: 朝の上がりも場所を変えて2回撮影。
↑↑: Also tried 2 points for their departures in the morning.