飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

ポイント誤った?ヴォルガのAN-124の撮影: Took from wrong point? Volga-Dnepr Airlines AN-124



I have noticed sometimes.....sorry for my late posting about AN-124 of Volga-Dnepr Airlines taken on 10th August. To tell the truth, I wondered so much how to describe about it because I concluded I took it from wrong points both landings and taking off(^^;)  

Trying to take my favorite angles, I went to Scenic Hill for landing and HAECO point for taking off but it should be from behind Cathay City for landing and terminal for taking off.

Being with some failures, I'd like to show the photos taken.

The first is landings taken from Scenic Hill☆

It landed to 25L, I tried to take it from Scenic Hill, where is my favorite place for morning 25L landings. Before 8:00AM I could take clear shots but after 8:00AM, there were much heat haze(><)Most of my favorite angles spoiled(;;) 

※I selected those with less heat haze(><)
↑: 到着のベスト(=一番メラメラが少なかった(笑))
↑: This is the best one among landing.(=The least heat haze shot(^^;))
Usually I did not take hotel back shots like this before but it may be nice?☆(After this day I take every time)

立ち位置を変えれば少しはマシになったかもしれませんが、 キャセイ裏が正解だったかもと思いました。。
I could remove heat haze a little by changing position (I found I could on the next time I visited there but this day could not due to many many spotters there), anyway, I should have tried from behind Cathay City...
The next is its taking off☆

Unfortunately, 15:45, just before its departure time 16:30, airport changed to 07, it caused huge population exodus of spotters. They and I could take the 15:48 bus, if tried but I did not. I decided to keep staying at HAECO point.  

The reason why I kept staying is below screen shot.

This is the screen shot when it had departed from Delhi. I watched it on real time(^^;) It seems not have used even half of the runway for coming 5 hours flight, considering there being only an hour to Hanoi, guessing it must take off more higher, so I decided not to go to the terminal but to try to take nose up shots accepting taking photos through the fences. I kept staying at HAECO point. 

Then the height it actually took off was,,,,

Sooo low(><)I should have gone to terminal(;;)
I could easily imagine the happy faces of spotters there...

Anyway then, let's see the photos taken by the foolish spotter who stayed wrong place.

Actually I prefer the angle from south side but, hoping better sun light, I took from north side.
The face seems to be,,,,smile???
I took them from the point where I usually take night shots but I should have stayed near HAECO factories..... And less sun light, it should have tried to take from south side(-_-;)


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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