飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

いろいろ待たされたFlight Serviceの出発: Waited long time,,,the departure of Flight Service



It must be common sense that actual taking off time must be a little time after the departure time on the timetable because planes need to start engines and taxi to the runway. As I remember, in Hong Kong, it should be 10 to 15 minutes for passenger flights, 15 to 20 minutes for cargo flights. 

ただ、コロナ下のこのご時世、乗客数も少ないのか、定刻より早くGate Outして、定刻の時間には離陸しているケースもよく見るようになりましたので、空港には早く行くように心がけていますが、中には、異常に早く出発してしまうケースもあります。例えば、よくあるのが、ビーマン(BG)だと、22:00定刻ですが、20:30にはゲートは閉まっているし、もうすぐ投稿するエアラインRは初めて撮影した日は1時間半も早く出ていました。
However, under current conditions, covid era, some flights do gate out earlier and already take off at departure time, so I go to the airport earlier than targets departure time. BUT some airlines take off much earlier than their departure time, for example, Biman Bangladesh Airlines (BG) , their departure time is 22:00 on the aiport HP but they usually depart on around 20:30, and an airline named R, which I will post about it in the near future, took off one and half hours earlier than their departure time. 

BUT in turn, some airlines, in stead, seem to depart much later than their departure time. For example, HiFly(5M), which can be seen in Hong Kong sometimes, it seems to be to stay at Hong Kong 4 hours on the airport time table but actually seems to stay in 6 hour, I guess.
(I regard it follows the timetable these days??)⇐SORRY because I did not check them these days(^∀^;) 

が、Flight Serviceはそんな数時間のレベルではなかった(^^;)しかも2回も(^∀^;)
HOWEVER Flight Service delayed not that in a few hours, not that small(^^;)AND TWICE(^∀^;)!!

I do not remenber exactly, the departure flight on 6th Dec, the day I first took it, it scheduled to depart on 20PM but around 22PM, after 2 hours delayed, of course I waited this 2 hours, it re-scheduled to depart late afternoon on the next day and departed.
(Please show the new departure time more earlier....(><)) 
HOWEVER the flight on 14th Dec did not delayed not that small(><;)

①最初のリスケ: First re-schedule
↑: 12月14日の21時の便ですが、もちろん空港で待機していましたが、22時まで待ったところで、翌日(12月15日)の14時にリスケされました。前回2時間待った挙句に変更だったので、1時間後に出てきただけ、まだましかと思っていました(笑)
↑: It originally planned to depart at 21PM on 14th Dec, of course I waited that time at the airport, but it changed the departure to 14PM on the next day (15th Dec), I though it was better than last time becaue I waited just one hour not 2 hours last time(^∀^;)
Anyway I need to stay off at 14PM, I gave up.    

②2回目のリスケ: Second re-schedule↑: 同じく15日の日中にリスケを発見、20時とのこと、会社からはぎりぎりの時間ですが、最近のコロナ下の勤務体制ではで会社からこの時間帯は厳しいので最初からギブアップ。
↑: I found it re-scheduled again to 20PM, as I mentioned before, I could not reach to the airport becuase I need to stay office longer these days due to covid siwit work. I gave up this time. 

③3回目のリスケ: 3rd re-schedule↑: 会社から帰宅中の、21時過ぎに地下鉄の中でリスケを発見。とうとう16日になっていました。朝の5時。。。いけなくはないけど、既に疑心暗鬼なので、ギブアップ(笑)
↑: I found on the subway at 21PM on the way to home, it re-scheduled atain to 5AM on the nxt day,,,on 16 Dec!. I can go to the airport if I force me badly but,,,I no longer did not believe this new time to I gave up(^∀^;)

④4回目のリスケ: 4th re-schedule
↑: 朝起きて布団の中で出発したかを確認したら、4回目のリスケを発見。行かなくてよかったと思う。前回同じく20時は時間的に会社からは厳しいので、無理かなーと思う。
↑: Around 7AM when I woke up and tried to know if it actually depaeted, I found it did 4th re-schedule this time. I got released to know I should not have gone(^∀^;) Anyway I could not arrive at the airport by 20PM, the new departure time, I gave up.

⑤5回目のリスケ: 5th re-schedule↑: こちらも前回と同じく、帰りの地下鉄の中で発見。翌朝、つまり、12月17日(3日ディレイ!)の1時に変更。とりあえず、そのままいったん帰宅。
↑: Same as before, I found 5th re-schedule on the subway, it changed departure time to 1AM on the next day, 17th Dec (3 days delay!!!), anyway I went home once.

BUT somehow, I decided to go to the airpot this time, I do not know exactly but I guessed it would actually depart...

THEN!! It showed on the Flightradar when I was on the bus at 23:21 on the way to the airport.
(I believed it would depart ) 
⑥結局: Finally↑: 12月14日の20:00の便は結局12月17日の1:35に出発しました(笑)
↑: The flight on 20PM on 14th Dec actualky departed at 1:35AM on 17th Dec(^∀^;)

Anyway then, the photos I took after 3 days waiting are ↓↓↓as below↓↓↓☆
Together with those on last post, I believe I could get its clear photos of both arrival and departure, I'm satisfide with it☆ 


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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