飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

(到着編)いろいろ複雑だった?Flight ServiceのA330の飛来: (Arrival)Complicated flight?A330 of Flight Service came to Hong Kong



Continuing from yesterday post, today's subject is also about a certain A330, which came to Hong Kong these days.

This time I show you the ↓screen shot↓ of Flightradar first, I went to take this aircraft, 9H-MFS.

↑All these screen shots are of its departure but today's post is about it arrival(SORRY)↑

I went to take its arrival in the earliy morning on 6th Dec, I'd like to show them(^∀^)
It must be rare of me, I could take many clear shots☆(6 shots!)  

Then, when I investigated about this aircraft, I found some complicated facts.

・Maleth Aero
まず、Flightradarに表示されている、Maleth Aeroを調べたら、Wiki(英)ではマルタのチャーターエアラインの一覧に名前があるだけで、営業開始が2011年くらいしか分かりませんでしたので、直接HPへ。
The first, I searched about Maleth Aero, the airline name can be seen on the Flightradar, I could find it on the list of Malta charter airlines and it started operation in 2011 on Wiki(Eng). So I visited  its HP.
Our Aircraft (maleth-aero.com)

This company seems to lease its fleets, I could not find A330 on its list,,,,,,yes! Of course!!, its is now under leasing, it should not be on the “Available” list(^^;)

Anyway, more than it! I got really interested in the fleets, A340-600, and I now remember I took screen shots in the past when I saw one of them(^∀^)☆

It must be exciting to see the word “cargo” on the body of passanger type A340-600(^∀^)☆
I really want to take its photos!!!

・Flight Service
Maleth Aeroは機体だけを貸しているだけようなので、今度は、機体に書いてあるFlight ServiceのHPへ。
Maleth Aero seems to just lease this A330, so I visited the HP of Flight Service, the name on the body.
Flight Service (aelf-flightservice.com)
↑結構きれいなHP☆Very nice HP☆

Oh? This company is also a charter and lease company? It seems to provide wet lease? Anyway, the flight I saw was not of this company.

So I continued searching, I found below article!!
Ukraine's Windrose Airlines Will Fly To New York | One Mile at a Time

端的に言うと、ニューヨークと香港に便を飛ばしたいWindoroseが最初はウクライナ航空からB737を借りる予定だったけど、スクラップになったから、Flight ServiceからA330をウェットリースしたということのようです。
Shortly, Windrose wanted to fly to New York and Hong Kong. They, at first, planned to be leased B737 from Ukraine Airlines but that B737s were scraped so Windrose changed their plan to get wet lease from Flight Service.

つまり, The scheme should be
Maleth Aero ⇒(A330(9H-MFS))⇒Flight Servive⇒(Wet lease)⇒Windrose⇒New York/Hong Kong

At the time of that airticle, Windrose had not been admitted for passanger flights, regarding that its flights were showed on the passanger time schedule of Hong Kong International Airport, I believe they finally could get approved for passenger flights(^^)

そういえば、フライトレーダー上では、便名の“DB”はMaleth Aeroのものですが、香港の時刻表では、“7W”で、これはWindroseのものです。そういえば、かなり前にWindoroseが出ていたことがあったわって思い出しました(^^;)
Anyway, the airline code “DB” on the Flightradar is of Maleth Aero. BUT the airline code of same flight on the time schedules on Hong Kong International Airport HP was “7W”. 7W is of Windrose. Now I remember I had seen the name WIndorose on the time schedule long time ago(^^;)

I should have started investigation from 7W? I could save time(^^;)?
Anyway I could get much knowledge☆

Next post will be of the departure of this comapny. I encountered some hard times(^∀^;)  


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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