
いったいどういうこと?(日曜のFlightrader): What was going on?(Flightrader on last Sunday)



It is not related with spottings but are there any readers who saw Europe on the Flightradar withtout any filters from afternoon to evening (Hong Kong time) on last Sunday (17th May)?

↓: 普段とはあまりに様子が違ったので、スクショしました↓
↓: I thought it was totally different from that of as usual so I took screen shots↓

↑: どこもかしこもグライダーだらけ(°■°;)
↑: There were many sailplane every here and there(°■°;)

↑: 一番多かったのは、ドイツ・ポーランドあたり。グライダーの大会があったにしては、広範囲、いろんな国にいすぎです。
↑: The most I could see was around Germany and Poland. Sailplanes could be seen on every countries the total number must be more than that of a kind of saleplanes tournaments and so on. 

↑: 確実に3密犯していて、グライダーがコロナに感染しそうなくらいです(^^;)
↑: It must be against three conditions for infection, saleplanes nearly get infected with coronavirsus (^^;) 



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