飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

Nordwindの772の塗装(4種): The color of Nordwind 772(4 patterns)



Today's article should be mainly subjected with Phuket, but I'd like to post about the 4 colors of Nordwind 772, which I have ever taken before because I have just posted about Nordwind last time on this article

↓: 先日ご紹介した新塗装です☆
↓: This is the latest color I posted last time☆
↓: こちらは旧塗装。この塗装を一番よく見ました。
↓: This is previous color. I have seen this color the most.
↓: こちらは今年の2月に初めて見た真っ白ちゃんです。
↓: This is all white color. I have seen it first time in this February.
↓: こちらは2019年の3月に一度だけ見かけた塗装です。所々前のエアラインの塗装が残っています(笑)明らかに元SQです(笑)
↓: This is the one I have seen only once in March 2019. I could see the color of previous airline on some parts on the body(^^;) It apparently was SQ(^^;)


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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