飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

Air X Charterの3機のA340: 3 A340s of Air X Charter



Today I'd like to post about the targets which I had chased earnestly in August and September(^∀^)

The targets are,,,

Air X Charterの3機のA340です(^∀^)☆
3 A340s of Air X Charter(^∀^)☆

They have started to come to Hong Kong from August(^∀^)☆
It was very hard to take all of them but I finally could take them in September(TωT)☆

Air X Charterについて: About Air X Charter
フリート: Their fleets
香港での運用: Operation related to Hong Kong
撮影画像(今回はダイジェスト): The photos taken(Only digest today)

■Air X Charterについて: About Air X Charter
Air X Charterはイタリアのマルタがベースのチャーターエアラインです。エアラインコードは6V(IATA)、AXY(ICAO)です。2011年にオーストリアのAirXが買収されたことにより誕生、2013年に本拠地をマルタに移し現在に至ります。
Air X charter is a charter airlines based Malta in Italia. Its airline code is 6V(IATA) and AXY(ICAO). This company established when Austrian airline Air X was purchased in 2011. It moved to current base Malta in 2013.  

■フリート: Their fleets
最新情報を確認しようと、直接Air X CharterのHPに遊びに行きましたが、フリートの中に、A340-600が入っておらず、A340-300もAir X Charter塗装の9H-BIGだけなので、おそらくHPではAir X World Cargo塗装の2機のA340、9H-NFC(A340-300), 9H-FFC(A340-600)は紹介していないのかもしれません。これが、Air X World Cargoが別会社だからか、単に紹介していないだけなのかは、もう少し詳しく調べる必要がありそうです。Jet Photos netやPlanespotter netなどの各投稿サイトなどの情報でも、基本的にA340は全てAir X Charterの籍のようです。
There seems to be 14 aircrafts with 6 type on Wiki (Eng). I could see only 1 A340-300 as Feb 2021 fleets, I believe 9H-NFC, which had joined in Jan 2021 had not yet been included. So there may be more than 14 aircrafts they currently have include other aircraft types. 
Anyway, to get more information, I visited Air X Charter HP but there were no information of A340-600 and was that of only 9H-BIG, which has Air X Charter color, under A340-300 part. I may need to investigate more to know if this is because they just regard it no need to place the information of A340-300 (9H-NFC) and A340-600 (9H-FFC), which are with "Air X World Cargo" logos on their HP or because Air X World Cargo is another company.
Anyway, all A340s are regarded under Air X Charter on other famous photos posting sites, such as Jet Photos net, Planespotters net and so on. 
Wikipedia(英語: Eng)⇒AirX Charter - Wikipedia
Air X CharterのHP: HP of Air X Charter⇒Home - AirX
↑: A340-600や9H-NFCの情報がない(^∀^;)
↑: There seems to be no information of A340-600 and 9H-NFC(^∀^;)
このフリートのページ: This fleet information page  ⇒Fleet Archive - AirX

■香港での運用: Operation related to Hong Kong
It is just from my experiment seeing Flightradar, not from my deep investigations,
I could see 2 types of their operations that, first one, coming to Hong Kong from Europe, from Frankfurt-Hahn(HHN),  Keflavík International Airport(KEF) and Stockholm-Arlanda Airport(ARN), return there and come to Hong Kong again sometimes after round flights to New York(JFK), the flight No. of these kind of flights mostly can be seen AYX1779/1780 and usually 9H-FFC is allocated to these flights.
And, another one, coming from Chicago(RFD) or Lima (LIM ※but only once) via Anchorage, the flight No. to these kind of flights are mostly AXY1270/1271 and usually 9H-BIG is allocated to these flights.
It must be very interesting that, I could see, the airport which both kinds of flights stay the longest is Hong Kong. 
※9H-NFC seems not to be allocated to any flights.
↑: AXY1779
↑: AXY1271

■撮影画像(今回はダイジェスト): The photos taken(Only digest today)
There are long stories and characters on each of them (Actually very tough stories(^∀^;)), I'm planning to post the article of each but, as a digest, I'd like to show the photos of the 3 A340s first☆
※The links placed next to the photos are now inactive today (29th Sep) but I will make them active to link the future each post of them☆
I will try to post each articles ASAP, please wait a moment★ 

・9H-NFC(A343)⇒9H-NFCの撮影記事へ: To the post of 9H-NFC

・9H-BIG(A343)⇒9H-BIGの撮影記事へ: To the post of 9H-BIG

・9H-FFC(A346)⇒9H-FFCの撮影記事へ: To the post of 9H-FFC


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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