飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

Air X Charterの9H-NFC: 9H-NFC of Air X Charter



Air X CharterのA340シリーズ、最初は9H-NFCです☆
Today's post is about 9H-NFC, one of the 3 A340s of Air X Charter☆

As I describe a little on the last post, 9H-NFC seems not to be allocated to any flights these days, there were not many chances to see it in Hong Kong.
↑: 9H-NFCは9月3日以降は運用についていないようです?
↑: There seems to be no flights with 9H-NFC after 3rd September?

9H-NFCは2021年1月にAir X Charterに加わったA340-300で、元エールフランスのF-GLZNです。Air X Chaterには他にも9H-BIGと9H-ACZの2機、合計3機のA340-300がいるそうですが、9H-ACZは保管中のようで現在運用にはついていないようです。
9H-NFC is an A340-300, which joined to Air X Charter in January 2021. It origin from AIRFRANCE and it was F-GLZN. There seems to be other 3 A340-300s (9H-BIC and 9H-ARZ), totally 3 A340-300s under Air X Charter. 9H-ARZ seems to be parked and not to be active not.

Anyway then, please see the photos taken★
・到着編(早朝): Arrival(In early morning)
I took its arrival in early morning on 14th August. It came from HHN. At first the expected arrival time was around 4AM, I expected pure night shots but it actually arrived around 5AM, it ended to incomplete night/daytime photos(^∀^;) 

・離陸編(昼撮影): Departure(Daytime)
,,,Telling the result first I could not take nice photos(^∀^;)
To tell the truth I wanted to go to mountain point however I needed to reach the terminal in short time to take other targets after taking it, there were not enough time to do so, I selected to take it from HAECO point. As you know taking nice 25L departures from HAECO point, we need to expect the heights of targets departure. I expected it should be normal long flight height considering it being long flight to Keflavík International Airport and my experiments to see some cargo flight with passenger aircraft took off higher (I saw cargo flight with passenger 747 of KLM to Amsterdam Airport Schiphol took off higher than some cargo flights to Taipei). I stayed at the point for normal long flight....
The result was、、、

It took off lowest those I saw in this year,,,,no!!, almost lowest among those I have seen in my spotting life at HAECO. The right beside shots were behind the fences (T■T)

↑↑: 綺麗な9H-NFCの昼撮影はしばらく宿題になりそうです(^∀^;)
↑↑: Taking nice daytime photos of 9H-NFC must be my task for a moment(^∀^;)



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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