飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

3機目のチャレンジの747: 3rd 747 of Challenge



先日のこちらの記事でご紹介したCAL Cargoの2機の747ですが、本日は今年の正月にまだ所属していた3機目の747をご紹介します。
As I introduced on the last post about the 2 747s of CAL Cargo, I'd like to show you the 747 which used to belong to CAL Cargo as the 3rd 747 before, which I took in this January.
The color of it is much different from that 2 747s(^^)☆

撮影の思い出話と撮影画像: The story when I took it and the photos taken.
現在のこの機体と、"Challenge Accepted"がややこしい理由
Current status of this aircraft and the reason "Challenge Accepted" makes something complicated 

■撮影の思い出話と撮影画像: The story when I took it and the photos taken.
★I nearly missed to take it★
Usually I do not place the stories but I nearly missed to take it so I'd like to place the story as a record(^^;)

I felt really boring and boring and boring,,,at spotting at Liege airport. I was monitoring airplanes from the place where I could see around the inside of the airport because I could not see the movement of the airplanes from spotting point.  I could see the tails of the targets. 

↓監視したのはこの辺り: I was monitoring from around this place↓
↓The best point for taking off(I rushed to this point once)↓

In the afternoon on 2nd January, when I was monitoring airplanes, this aircraft started to be pushed, I rushed to the spotting point and waiting for a moment ,,,, but,,,, nothing seemed to come, ,,, I felt something wrong and went back to the monitoring place, and found it was towing to other spot with towing car!! I rushed again to point, in front of the taxiway.       

↓撮影した画像がこちら★: Below are the photos taken★↓

The chance I could see this ship was only this few minutes, this spot change, if I kept waiting at the spotting point, I could not see it(^^;)

Anyway, you may see a large clouds behind the airplanes, this is smoke (water vapor) from nearby nuclear power plant(・・)  

■現在のこの機体と、"Challenge Accepted"がややこしい理由
Current status of this aircraft and the reason "Challenge Accepted" makes something complicated
前日の記事から、CAL Cargoの"Challenge Accepted"がややこしいと言っていますが、、、、
As I described on the last post that "Challenge Accepted" makes something complicated,,,,
↓↓Below is the current status of this ship on the Flightradar↓↓

機体のロゴは"ACE Belgium Airlines"(1枚目)で、会社名が"Challenge Airlines"(2枚目)となっています。
The logos of it on the first screenshot is "ACE Belgium Airlines", the company name on the second screenshot is "Challenge Airlines".

CAL Cargoには兄弟会社でACE Belgium Airlinesというエアラインがあります(正確にはありました)。ベースはリエージュ空港です。
CAL cargo used to have a daughter company named "ACE Belgium Airlines", its base airport was Liege airport.
4X-ICDはOO-ACFという番号に変わって、このエアラインの所有に移動していますが、このACE Belgium Airlinesですが、最近名前を変えて"Challenge Airlines"という会社名になっているそうです。
4X-ICD changed its registration no. to OO-ACF and moved to this airlines. And "ACE Belgium Airlines" seemed to change its name to "Challenge Airlines"

このChallenge Airlinesには"Challenge Accepted"の文字の入った747(747-412BCF)が一機いますが、とりあえず、このOO-ACFにはついていないようです。
Challenge Airlines has one more 747(747-412BCF) with the words "Challenge Accepted" but anyway, this OO-ACF(pre 4X-ICD) does not have such logos on it.

何が言いたいかというと、Challenge  AirlinesでないCAL Cargoの機体全てに"Challenge Accepted"の文字が入っているのに、本家?のChallenge Airlinesの機体の中に"Challenge Accepted"の文字が付いていない機体(OO-ACF=元4X-ICD)があるということです(^^;)
Anyway, what I wanted to mean is that even all fleets of its daughter company (not Challenge Airlines) have "Challenge Accepted" on their body but there is a 747 without that logo among the fleets of Challenge Airlines(^^;)  


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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