飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【初撮/昼夜】スマートリンクスの真っ白A333【First taken/Day and Night】 All white A333s of SmartLynx Airlines



Today’s subject is also about the airline which can be seen at Hong Kong these days.

It is ⇩as below⇩

Smartlynx Airlinesです☆
Smartlynx Airlines☆
It can be seen with the code "2N" on the airport timetables.

Smartlynx Airlinesについて: About Smartlynx Airlines
香港に来る機材ː Fleets which come to Hong Kong
撮影画像: The photos taken

■Smartlynx Airlinesについて: About Smartlynx Airlines
Smartlynx Airlinesはラトビアのマルペ(Mārupe)に本拠を置く、チャーターエアラインです。運航開始は1993年で、旅客・貨物のチャーター便を運航しています。
その他、SmartLynx Training Centreを設置しており、バルト三国でA320シリーズの公認の訓練プログラム(ATOː Approved Training Organization)を提供しているそうです。
Smartlynx Airlines is a charter airline based on Mārupe in Latvijas Republika. It started operation in 1993 and operates charter flights of both passengers and cargos.
It has SmartLynx Training Centre, which provides ATO(Approved Training Organization) for A320 and it is approved in Baltic States.
HP⇒ACMI, charter, and cargo operator | SmartLynx Airlines

According to Wikipedia (Eng), Smartlynx Airlines has 6 A320-200s and 1 A321-300s at Jan 2020 but Planespotters net says.,,,,
,,,,,,it has 65 airplanes(^∀^) 
⇒(Wiki)SmartLynx Airlines - Wikipedia
⇒(Planespottersnet)SmartLynx Fleet Details and History (planespotters.net)

Smartlynx Airlinesの画像を調べると、大半がA320の画像が出てきます。面白いのが、同社HPにもCargoの項で詳しく説明がありますが、A320Fを保有しているようです。
When we try to find the pictures of Smartlynx Airlines, we may find many A320s of it. It should be interesting that it seems to have some A320Fs and it is described on its HP.

DHLカラーにSmartlynx Airlinesのロゴの機体も見かけますが、A320F自体を香港では見ることがないので、大変興味深いですね(^∀^)!!!
I could find some with its logos on the DHL bodies, anyway, I felt really interested to know its A320Fs because I have never seen A320Fs at Hong Kong in the past(^∀^)!!!

■香港に来る機材ː Fleets which come to Hong Kong
As long as I have ever seen and taken, its fleets which come to Hong Kong is only A330s. All I could see were all white preighters☆
I can see there are 5 A330s among its fleet information at Planespottersnet, 3 are active and 2 are parked. I have seen 3 of them, 9H-SMC/9H-SMD/9H-SME but it do not match with those of the fleet information,,, I think it due to some kind of timing matter(・ω・)? ↑: 私がこれまで撮影した機体は9H-SMC, 9H-SMD, 9H-SMEです(・ω・)
↑: Those I have ever seen are 9H-SMC, 9H-SMD and 9H-SME(・ω・) 

■撮影画像: The photos taken
I'd like to place the photos of the 3s I described☆ 
汚い画像ですいません(><;)最初にSmartlynx Aielinsを撮影したのがこの9H-SMCの画像ですが、他の2機とアングルを統一する都合(山ポイントからの07R降り)、明るい時間でこの雨の降っている時の画像しかないのでご了承ください(>人<;)なお、他の2機と違い、9H-SMCだけが、ウィングレットが赤です☆
Sorry for dirty photos(><;), these photos are my first photos of Smartlynx Airlines, BUT for keeping same angles with other 2s, seeing 07R landings from mountain point, I have only this taken under rain and taken in daytime(>人<;) Anyway then, being different from other 2s, the winglet of 9H-SMC is red☆
The photos of it are too bad,,,I may replace when I can take it under better conditions(^∀^;)

☆9H-SMDと9H-SMEː 9H-SMD and 9H-SME☆9H-SMDと9H-SMEは同じ日(11月13日)に撮影できました☆上記のフライトレーダーのスクショを見てお分かりの通り、なんと、2機とも並んでアンカレッジから香港に来ました(^∀^)
I could take both 9H-SMD and 9H-SME on the same day, 13th Nov☆ In addition to it, as you can know with this screenshot of Flightradar, they came to Hong Kong in line from Anchorage(^∀^)
I believe it must be really rare situation☆


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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