飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

奇跡の瞬間★4発機の5連続着陸☆Miracle time★5 4-engines aircrafts landed consecutively☆



I encountered very rare views on 17th July, I'd like to report it today☆

それは、That IS☆
5 4-engines aircrafts landed consecutively(°∀°)!

↑: 撮影したのはHAECOポイントから★(当日の様子)
↑: HAECO point, where I took photos★(taken on that day)

These days, 4-engines aircrafts, 747s, A380s and A340s have been badly decreasing their numbers, it must be rare to see some of them these days, BUT I could see 5 of them landing consecutively on that time.
This must be my first time to see that case in the past, of course, before these Covid era included★

There are many photos today but I'd like show you what I saw then(^∀^)★

I hope you can feel you were there at that time(*≧ω≦*)

①1機目: 1st aircraft↑: 1機目はこちらの機体☆もうすでに次の機体も見えています
↑: The first aircraft this this one☆ And next flight could be seen☆ 
↑: 1機目はカーゴルクスのレトロ、LX‐NCLです(^∀^)いきなり大物☆
↑: The first one is LX-NCL the retro livery of Cargolux(^∀^)BIG target☆
 ②2機目: 2nd aircraft↑: 2機目はこちらの機体☆今回も次の便が写っています
↑: The second one is this one☆ Next one could be seen again↑: 2機目はアトラスのN471MC。アトラスのBCFの中では、唯一?機首のロゴだけで、尾翼は真っ白という、特徴のある機体です☆こちらもレア(^ー^)☆なお、この機体は元B-HKXでキャセイカーゴでもありましたので、香港に縁のある機体でもあります☆
↑: 2nd aircraft is N471MC, one of Atlas. I believe this only one of Atlas 747BCf having logos on its nose but no logos on its tail. I believe this should also be BIG target(^ー^)☆ This aircraft used to be B-HKX, one of Cathay cargo fleets, having some relationship with Hong Kong☆
③3機目: 3rd aircraft↑: 3機目はシルクウェイの747-8、VQ-BBHです☆こちらの機体も、次の便が写っています
↑: 3rd aircraft is VQ-BBH, 747-8 of Silkways☆ I could see next one again
④4機目: 4th aircraft↑: 4機目はこちら。広角で狙ってみました☆
↑: 4th aircraft is this one. I tried to take it widely☆ ↑: 機体はSQカーゴのの747-400F, 9M-SFMです
↑: This is 9M-SFM, one of 747-400Fs of Singapore Airlines cargo

⑤5機目: 5th aircraft
↑: 5機目はこちらの機体。今回も広角で☆
↑: 5th aircraft is this one. I took it widely again☆↑: ルフトハンザのA340で、新塗装のD-AIFFです☆
↑: D-AIFF, one of A343 of Lufthansa. New color☆

↑↑: 当日のフライトレーダーのスクショ☆
↑↑: The screen shots taken at that time☆
(One departure Asiana 747 was taken together on the first shot(^ω^) )

I had tried to take some at that time and selected to this post, when we take 07R landings from HAECO point under one runway (07R/25L) operation, we may sometimes see 2 flights at the same time when second flight is following nearly.  

All 747s could be seen like that way (2 of them could be seen on the same shot), I hope you can understand how closely that 4 747s were flying that closely, landed in short time(^^)☆


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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