飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【昼撮】ようやく昼に撮れた新生ルビースター☆【Daytime Shots】Finally I could catch brand new Rubystar in daytime



I was really looking forward to spotting this airline the most during 4 days Japan holiday last week (7/22-7/25) related to Olympic. 

It was this airline, which I have introduced on this post before,


Daytime spotting of Rubystar(≧ω≦)☆

I could see they have come to Hong Kong several times these days, I expected they would come during that 4 days holiday and it actually came true on Friday (7/23)☆   

Having taken it only at night last time, I felt really excited to wait for it(≧≦)
More than it, I know Rubystar came to Hong Kong only one time last year (or few times I did not aware), I regard the chance to see them is very rare and important, I felt nervous from when I found this flight(´▢`;)

Anyway then, the weather was not good due to strong gas (it had been very nice on the day before(><;)) please see the photos taken☆

・到着編: Arrival↑↑↑↑↑: 機体に光線が綺麗に当たってくれたのはよかったのですが、"前日"のクリアな撮影を基準に待っていたので、かなり凹みました(@@;)
↑↑↑↑↑: I got released that sunlight reached to the body well but it had been really nice weather on the day before this day, I expected that clear shots with it, I got really depressed this time(@@;)
この条件でルビースターを撮影できていたら、感動して泣いたわ(´▢` )!
↑:(Reference)One of the shots on the day before this day(7/22)
If I could take Rubystar on this conditions, I must be got moved and cry(´▢` )!

・離陸編: Departure
Being depressed with worse shots then expected, instead, I decided to take best departure shots and came to HAECO point under crazy hot weather(´▢`;) 
↑: HAECOは日影がないから、とにかく暑い。
↑: There being no shades, HAECO point is too hot for spotting.

I believe HAECO is the hardest spotting point “※during spotting”in Hong Kong in summer. I need to move many times to change the spotting places for target by target to take each best shots.
And,,, I must get depressed when I find the expected height is wrong..... 
※If going to and back from the point are incleded, of course, mountain point must be the hardest spotting point.(Especially when we walk in an hour there)⇐We do not need to move so much during spotting☆

Anyway then, the shots taken after badly seeking best point are,,, 
↑↑: ほぼ正解だったと思います(^^)
↑↑: I can say I stayed at almost the best point(^^)
↑: もう少し山バックにできたかもですが、初めての撮影だし、予想より低く上がって、フェンスの後ろ(全て無駄)よりは、予想より高く上がる方を選ぶので、これでおおむね正解だったと思います。
↑: I could have taken with much mountain back, but it was the first time to take departure shots of this ship, I usually prefer to take higher shots than those behind the fences (all shots get in vain =targets take off lower than I expect) ,so  I can say I could find best shots this time.
↑: 夕方の光線もきれいに当たったので、満足☆次回は全部山バックを狙いたいと思います(^^)
↑: I got satisfied the shots with sunset lights reaching to the body nicely☆ I'd like to try full mountain back next time(^^)
↑: 黒煙がすごかった(^^;)
↑: It took off with much black smoke(^^;)

↑: 携帯撮影ですが、夕陽もきれいでした☆
↑: Taken by mobile, nice sunset could be seen this day☆


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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