以前こちらの投稿でお話しました、11月18日に開催されました香港国際空港の滑走路3本運用開始を記念した空港内マラソン、『三跑道系統十公里國際賽(Three-Runway System 10km International Race)』ですが、参加してきましたので、数回に分けてレポートをしようと思います(◍•ᴗ•◍)
As I introduced on this post, the marathon race, 『三跑道系統十公里國際賽(Three-Runway System 10km International Race)』, which honors Hong Kong airport stating Three-Runway System was held inside airport on 18th Nov, and I attended. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
I'd like to report about it on some posts.(◍•ᴗ•◍)申し込みから抽選(当選)、当日起きた奇跡(?(笑))まで、皆様も参加されているような目線で投稿できればと思います(◍•ᴗ•◍)
I hope you can read like attending the race.
I'm planning to post everything I saw, I meant not only the race but also the application, election and the miracle (・∀・)? which I encountered after the race.
: Summary←This post
: Application and election and registration
: The day before the race
・当日: Race
・帰りの奇跡: The miracle I encountered
■概要: Summary
『三跑道系統十公里國際賽(Three-Runway System 10km International Race) 』は香港国際空港で11月18日に開催された、滑走路3本運用開始を記念したマラソン大会です。
『三跑道系統十公里國際賽(Three-Runway System 10km International Race) 』 is the marathon race which was held inside Hong Kong International Airport on 18th November for celebrating the start of Three-Runway System.
空港のプレスリリースにも『 once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for runners⇨一生に一度の機会』みたいな案内がありました(*´ω`*)💕
I could find the words 『once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for runners』 on the airport press release. (*´ω`*)💕
滑走路上に立てるなんて、、、、飛行機好きなら、行くしかないですよね( ꈍᴗꈍ)💕💕
it enables us to stand on the runways,,,As one of the airliner lovers, I could not find any choices except apply to it. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)💕💕
空港内でのマラソン大会としては、1998年に香港国際空港ができた際に開催された「新機場馬拉松(New Airport Marathon)」から26年ぶりの開催になります。
As of those held inside the airport, the last one was「新機場馬拉松(New Airport Marathon)」which had been held in 1998, 26 years ago.
I could find some photographing booths featuring the years 1998 and 2024. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
コースは3km, 5km,10km, 車椅子レースがありました。
There were 3 courses, 3km, 5km, 10km and for wheelchair race.
The total number of the participants was approximately 12,000.(゚ο゚人))
The routes are as on the map below (◍•ᴗ•◍)
★10km(ピンク: Pink)
⇧5kmを2周みたい: 2 laps of 5km
★5km(緑: Green)
★3km(青: Blue)
That of I attended was 5km. (・∀・)
,,,, As I do not have enough daily exercise, I had not had enough encourages to apply 10km...so I selected 5km...(・∀・;)
⇧This was correct.(。ノω\。)