Anyway, trying to forget the failures...I'd like to show you the photos taken☆
These days we can see this kind of flights on the cargo time schedules on HKG HP, I could take it, I want to show you(^^)
I took it on 16th April, at first I planned to take it from 25L end point as night shot to see its time 5:40AM but it delayed to arrive at after 8:38AM so I could take it from my favorite point, mountain point☆
↑: OLY205はOlympus Airwaysというエアラインのようです☆
↑: OLY205 was an airline named Olympus Airways.↑: 機材は757でした。
↑: The aircraft was B757.
I only know Olympus as a camera manufacturer but I tried to know it☆
Olympus Airways is a charter airline based on Greece and its fleets seem to be 5 A321s☆
(How about B757??)
Below is HP of Olympus Airways. I got surprized when I first saw its top page because I could see a aircraft with Olympus logps, which can be seen that it came from Monarch(^^;)
I tried to find information of B757 but could not find any at Olympus Airways HP and wiki(Eng) but I can say the logos of that 757 on Flightrader must be the logos of Olympus Airways.
But I could find below news of that 757.
(Fleet information that they have 5 A321 is also come from below page)
The 757 has just joined to Olympus Airways on 7th Dec 2019.
さて、このOlympus Airways、香港に来た最初の2回くらいは昼に着いて1時間くらいで早々と出発していたようですが、最近は到着が時刻表に出ないで、出発だけが22時に出ているのを見かけます。
Anway, I saw Olympus airways came to Hong Kong at daytime and just stayed 1 hour on their first 2 visit, but, these days, their arrival seem not to be shown on HKG HP but their departures sometimes can be seen around 22PM.
And they seemed to try to arrive at Hong Kong around 5AM these days, but sometimes delayed.
Anyway, I tried to take night shots.↑↑: 機首になにやらいろいろ書いているようですが、英語でもないようだし、さっぱりです(^^;)
↑↑: I can see something written on the nose but cannot understand because it seem not to be English(^^;)