撮影資料(Spotting Data)

【アクセス有】復活!した啓徳空港の遺構。格仔山★【Access Info】Revived! Kaitak airport's remain, Checkerborad Hill★



Does everyone know 香港啓徳空港(Hong Kong Kaitak Airport)?
(Of course, everyone must know,,,just trying to ask)

Shortcut to the readers who know well☆

現在の香港国際空港(Chek Lap Kok International Airport)は1998年に開港していますが、それまではもっと香港のど真ん中にあった啓徳空港が活躍していました。
Current Hong Kong International Airport (Chek Lap Kok International Airport) opened in 1998. Before then, 香港啓徳空港(Hong Kong Kaitak Airport), which was located quite middle in the city worked.
It was famous as one of the most dangerous airports in the world because it required pilots high-level skills especially on 13 runway landings. This is because there is a range of mountains beside 香港啓徳空港(Hong Kong Kaitak Airport), due to these mountains the flights approaching to 13 needed to turn sharply and flied just above tall buildings before landing to runway 13. These sharp turns called 『Hong Kong curve』    

It also is famous that airlines allotted skillful pilots to Hong Kong flights and they always operated carefully, only a few accidents occurred.   

The photos on which airplanes turning just above the buildings must be quite powerful (It must be hard works on pilot side) and everyone must have seen some if he or her likes airplanes, I believe. 

Even when 香港啓徳空港(Hong Kong Kaitak Airport) closed, I was very small and, of course, had not even touched cameras, I cannot provide any my photos of them, I can only place below Google searching screen (^^;).   

When we search 香港啓徳空港(Hong Kong Kaitak Airport), we can find, many cool Hong Kong curve photos and beautiful photos of airplanes and tall buildings. If 香港啓徳空港(Hong Kong Kaitak Airport) still worked, I would go to airport almost every day.
(Even current Hong Kong airport, I once visited there almost every day on some period (^∀^;)) 

I believe current cameras can enable us to take really beautiful night photos....(*≧≦*)

Anyway then, there are a remain which supported Hong Kong curve.
That is a structure with red and white which can be seen below photos. 

This structure was repainted these days and now is a new people-gathering spot. I visited there just one year ago, 4th May 2022 but I'd like to report of it.
(I'm preparing this post on 4th May 2023,,,thre are no special reasons that I place just one year (^∀^;).

格仔山(Checkerboard Hill)とは: What is Checkerborad Hill
チェッカーボードの様子: The views of Checkerboard
現地からの風景・夜景ː The views from Checkerboard Hill
アクセス(2ルート): Access (2 routes)
その他の情報: Other information
近くのスポット: Nearby spot
お礼: Gratitude

■格仔山(Checkerboard Hill)とは: What is Checkerborad Hill

格仔山(Checkerboard Hill)は香港の九龍サイド、MTRの樂富(Lok Fu)駅の近くにある小山で、旧名は九龍仔山(Kowloon Tsai Hill)と言います。
格仔山(Checkerboard Hill) is a small hill located on 九龍(Kowloon) side near MTR 樂富(Lok Fu) station, whose old name was 九龍仔山(Kowloon Tsai Hill).
Its height is 98m and is a part of a park which has some grounds and hiking courses. 

Checkerboards were placed on 格仔山(Checkerboard Hill) as one of the signs to inform the pilots to start the turns of 13 approaching,『Hong Kong curve』.
Checkerboards placed on south side and west side on 格仔山(Checkerboard Hill).
↑: Google Mapより 
↑: from Google Map 

These checkerboards had been left rough for a long time but some people pleaded to keep them as remains of 香港啓徳空港(Hong Kong Kaitak Airport). Checkerboards were repainted in 2021 and is becoming a people-gathering spot these days. 

■チェッカーボードの様子: The views of Checkerboard
We can see them not only away from them but also can stand beside of them and touch them. You must be surprised to see how large they are(^^)
I approached them on the route ②, I'd like to show you from the bottom to top. 
①南面を下から:  Seeing South side from its bottom

②南面を側から: Seeing South side from beside of it
↑: 24mmで撮影しましたが、全体を入れることは不可でした(^^;)
↑: I took with 24mm but could not take whole view(^^;)
↑: 縦構図にしてもぜんぜん全体が入らない(^^;)
↑: Of course, vertical compositions could not help me to take full(^^;) 
↑: 正面からだと、24mmだとほんの一部だけ。。。
↑: 24mm could take only a small part of it...
↑: 太陽を入れてみる(^^)
↑: Tried to take with the sun(^^)

③西側の斜面: West side Checkerboard
↑: 西面を上から撮影
↑: Seeing West side from its top
↑: 西面は木を切らずに塗っているようで、南面とはだいぶ印象が違います
↑: Much different from southside, west side was painted without cutting trees. 

④上部の様子: Staying on the top
↑↑↑: 真上はこんな感じの広場です
↑↑↑: The top of them is a square like this 
↑: 南面と香港の街並み
↑: South side and Hong Kong city view 
↑: 上から南面を見下ろす
↑: Looking down the south side

■現地からの景色・夜景: The views from the top
↑: 格仔山からは、こんな景色が見えます
↑: We can see these views from Checkerboard hill 
↑: おそらく皆さんが一番気になる、一番大事な東側★中央部が元空港のあった陸地です☆
↑: It should be the most important side, east side★ We can see the land where 香港啓徳空港(Hong Kong Kaitak Airport) used to be☆
↑: 中央部にズーム。本当に滑走路が正面ですね!!!
↑: Zooming to the center. The old runway is right front of us!!!  
↑↑↑: 格仔山からの夜景も撮ってみました。真下にあるグランドの光が強いので、撮りづらいです。当日は広角のレンズしか持っていませんでしたが、望遠を使って、どこかを切り取れば、いい感じになるかも、、、、?
↑↑↑: I tried to take night photos from Checkerboard hill. Due to the strong lights from the below ground, it was a little difficult to take night photos... I only had wide lens then, it should be better to bring zooming lens and zoom some parts......?   
↑↑↑: 無理やりトリミングしてみた(^∀^;)
↑↑↑: Roughly trimmed(^∀^;)
Anyway,, there are another better spots for night photos in Hong Kong(^^) 

■アクセス(2ルート): Access (2 routes)
There should be many access routes there include hiking courses, but I believe no readers go there to enjoy hiking, I introduce 2 routes, (A) from top and (B) from bottom. I recommend (B) if you want to try nearby spots, which I introduce later. 

①AB共通ː 最寄りのMTRの駅は樂富(Lok Fu)駅です。降りたらA出口へ向かってください。
   (A)(B): The nearest MTR station is 樂富(Lok Fu) station, please go to Exit A.
②AB共通ː A出口を出たらすぐに右へ、通りへ出る階段があります
(A)(B) : Please turn right when you exit from Exit A, you can find stairs to the street.
③AB共通ː 通りに出たら、最初の交差点まで進んでください。
   (A)(B): Please go along the street until first traffic light.

Aː上からルート: From the top
    If you want to try from the top, please turn right after across the traffic light  

   After a few minutes walk, you can find a sing of the part「樂富公園(Lok Fu park)」 on your left please enter.

   After you enter the park, please go along to the road which goes up and can be seen on your left. 

    Please go along with the road for a moment, you can reach to the T shape corner. Please turn left.

Please go along with the fence on your right for a moment.

    You can reach to a gate which you can enter the fence (ground?), please 【do not enter】and keep going along to the fence (turn left). 

  You can find stairs along to the fences, please go down them.
  (Caution)They are so steep, please be careful

  You can find an aisle which leads you to the right, please go along with it.
(2 routes meet on this aisle, both routes are the same from here) 

(A)(B)ː  Please go along with the aisle until the end. (Yuu can see the Checkerboard on your right☆)

(A)(B): Now you reach to the bottom of the Checkerboard☆
At the end of this aisle, you can find stairs (SORRY NO PHOTOS OF THEM)to go up, please go up them to the top★

(A)(B): Now you reached to the top☆

Bː 下からルートː From the bottom
    If you want to go there from the bottom, please turn left after across the first traffic light.

Please go along with the street for a moment, but please be careful on your right.

It should be difficult to find at first, you can find a entrance beside a school. (This is because I asked you to be careful on your right)

Seeing the entrance from the front.
    You can find some cautions on the fences, they prohibit the trespassing to the school side, this aisle is a part of hiking course, not to us.

   Please go along with the fence on your left for a moment.

  After a few minutes' walk, you can find a shape of the hill on your right.
  And you can find a drain on the shape and a path beside of it, please carefully go up the path.

  Sooner you can find steep stairs, please go up it.
  They are so steep, please be careful.
   After going up one block. you can find an aisle which leads you left, please go along with it.
2 routes meet here,  the route after here is the same.

■その他の情報: Other information
Checkerboards were once painted gray?
When I tried to find information about Checkerboards, I found some saying the Checkerboard once painted gray but I could not find they are true or not(≧≦)

②(B)下からルート(B)From the bottom
When you come here from the bottom, you may find stairs near the path beside drain, the stairs lead you to the tennis court but it was closed.

③アニメなどでの登場: 格仔山 (Checkerboard Hill) could be seen on some animations.
I remember I could see 格仔山 (Checkerboard Hill) on some old animations at the scenes which describes Hong Kong.
Below is a scene on an animation named 「Cryingfreeman」, without the fences, there should be  格仔山 (Checkerboard Hill)☆

And I remember I saw a scene on Lupin III on which Goemon fighting on the 格仔山 (Checkerboard Hill),,,,but I could not find it again(><)

■近くのスポットː Nearby spot
Some readers who know 香港啓徳空港(Kaitak airport) well, he or she may also knows 九龍城砦(Kowloon Walled City) well?
It is now a park named 九龍寨城公園(Kowloon Walled City Park), and we can reach there a few minutes from 格仔山(Checkerboard HiIl).

The detail is here(^^)
【昼撮】王朝時代を感じる公園【Day time】Enjoying dynasty ages at the park - Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong (masarunphotos-hong-kong.com)

■お礼: Gratitude
この場を借りて、ご掲載に感謝申し上げますm(_ _)m
To tell the truth, monthly『AIRLINE』 provided me a page related to this visit to 格仔山(Checkerboard HiIl), on P78 on their September 2022.
I hereby would like to express my gratitude.m(_ _)m


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