飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting) 香港近況(Recent Hong Kong)

【情報大量】最近の香港と香港国際空港【Lots of Info】Hong Kong and Hong Kong airport these days



しばらく会社のシステム変更で多忙だったことや、そのまま生活関係で企てていた計画に取り掛かり、放置癖が付いてしまい、4ヶ月ほど開いてましたm(_ _)m(スミマセン)
Dear everyone. Quite long time no seeing(´゚д゚`)
Sorry for placing long long time from the last post, due to company system changes, I had been quite busy and been straggling with my secret plans, almost 4 months went by.m(_ _)m(SORRY)

There are lots of info that I wanted to post during this long blanch, l'd like to place all today!

And, they may not be related to airplanes but I may post about that my secret plans(←WHAT FUCKIN' IS IT?)

Then, I 【did(´゚д゚`)】keep recording runway and weather records, I'd like to report as below.

And thanks to my work still have some relationships with Hong Kong, I can see Hong Kong news every working day and I have taken some memos. I'd like to place them and Flightradar memos today.

■香港のニュースより: From Hong Kong news
①香港編: About Hong Kong
②航空旅行業界関係: Related to air and travel business

■フライトレーダーより: From Frightradar
①滑走路運用と天気: Runway operations and weathers
③中国のエアライン: China's airlines
④欧米のエアライン: US and European airlines
⑤その他の旅客便: other airlines
⑥貨物便: Cargo airlines

■香港のニュースより: From Hong Kong news
It must be sorry to say that I cannot share fresh information because now I do not live in Hong Kong but I'd like to place the news with classifying them into 2 groups, Hong Kong related and airlines and travel business. Most of them were issued in March and April, so please be sure that some of them may not be the latest information

.①香港編: Hong Kong related・マスクの着用義務撤廃: Wearing mask mandatories abolished
On 1st March, Hong Kong gov abolished wearing mask mandatories at all places in Hong Kong include public transportations and schools. But at hospitals or the facilities for senior citizens, people still are required to wear the masks.
・コロナの死亡例はおおむね0~5人: Daily Covid death case is 0 to 5 in Hong Kong
I not having been checking everyday but the number of daily death case due to Covid announced by Hong Kong gov should be 0 to 5.
・中央政府高官より香港の国家安全に注文が相次ぐ: China gov high officials order Hong Kong to secure the national securities
On 14th National People's Congress (NPC), which was held from 5th March, some China gov high officials ordered Hong Kong strongly to secure national securities. This proves China mainland is still highly alerting Hong Kong national securities.
Hong Kong gov is emphasizing 「Holder responsibilities」 to all demonstrations. Such a case could be seen that a demonstration which once was approved police officer suddenly canceled just one day before due to its SNS heating up. And some demonstrations which were planned to held on 1st May seemed have been canceled
・「ハッピー香港」が4月29日スタート: 「Happy Hong Kong」 started on 29th April
Hong Kong gov announced that they would start a new measure, 「Happy Hong Kong (開心香港)」from 29th April. This is a kind of economic stimulation and Hong Kong gov made 20 million HKD budget for holding entertainment or gourmet events or cinema discount day and so on.
・金融センター番付香港は4位を維持: Hong Kong kept world 4th finance center
A UK thinktank company, Z/Yen announced that Hong Kong kept world 4th as the 「Global Financial Center Index (GFCI)」. The score was 722. The top was New York (760) , the second was London (731) and the third was Singapore (723)
・超富裕層が多く住む都市、香港がアジア首位: No.1 of the number of super wealthy in Asia
The number of the super wealthy, whose assets are estimated more than USD 30 millions, was over 15,000 in Hong Kong. It is the No.1 in Asia and No.3 in the world next to New York (Top) and London (Second)

②航空旅行業界関係: Airlines and travel business・3月の訪港旅客数は3年ぶりの200万人越え
Total number of the visitors to Hong Kong in March ended to be over 2 millions first time in this 3 years.
Daily number of the people who came to Hong Kong airport reached to 100 thousands and to 50% of before Covid-19 in April.
香港国際空港の人手不足深刻。タイ総領事も苦言: Serious labor shortage on Hong Kong airport, Thailand embassy complained it  
Compared with those of before Covid-19, 2019, 32% of airport staffs, especially ground staffs, have resigned. This cause serious labor shortages and delays of recurring or increasing Hong Kong flights.
Thailand embassy in Hong Kong complained about it, when he attended an event, about expensive air tickets caused by these situations.
・交通機関の値上申請げが続く: Public transportations applied fare increase
This news was reported just when Hong Kong gov received some applications, there were lots of fare increases applications submitted from Hong Kong public transportations. Especially ferries and mini-buses, they want to increase 100% on some lines but Hong Kong gov is requiring them to increase fares within 10%.
Until April there already have been some fare increases on Hong Kong public transportations, such as around 50% increases on Star ferry's 中環 lines, around 2% increases on MTR, around 10% on taxis and 10-25% on some mini-buses lines.

■フライトレーダーより: From Flightradar
Please be sure that these Flightradar screenshots were taken by just my preference and taken when I found some changes on them comparing with those in last year. I did not try to find all changes.

As truth that is always only one, screenshots can prove they did exist on that time when I found them. But they do not guarantee the future, if you want to try to see some of them, please carefully check on the timetables or announcements when you make plans.

Please do not send me complains when you find some of them can't be seen when you visit Hong Kong(´゚д゚`)

①滑走路運用と天気: Runway operations and weathers
(冒頭に記載済みですがː Already placed on top of this post)⇒http://masarunphotos-airplanes.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/2023HKG-Runway-operations-and-Weather-records-4.pdf

I remember I could see 25 operations more compared with other years.


It should be ok to say that Hong Kong airport seems to have fixed their operations.
①Seaside runway (07L/25R) is used for landings and mountainside runway (07R/25L) is used for departures.
(The center runway (07C/25C) is currently closed until 2024.)
②At midnight time, around 1:15AM to 7:15AM, on Monday(※?) , Tuesday, Thursday(※?) and Friday they operate with only seaside runway and only mountainside runway on other days.
(※)From May ⇐ I do not know in the future
↑ː 降りは基本的に遠い海側の07L/25Rに
↑ː Basically planes land to far seaside runway 07L/25R
↑ː 離陸は以前と同様に山側の07R/25Lから
↑ː Same as before, as usual, departures are from mountainside runway, 07R/25L 

↑ː 香港に詳しい方ならご存じの、昔時々見られた、着陸機(主に貨物機や大型機)の一部が山側(07R/25L)に着陸する現象は現在でもあるようです☆
↑ː As some readers who are familiar with Hong Kong airliner spotting may know, the case that some approaches, whose aircraft type should be cargos or large aircraft sometimes land to mountainside runway 07R/25L sometimes can be seen☆  

As of the weather these days,,,,
Compared with other years, the rain season came late this year.

Airplanes spotting(´゚д゚`)?

Now almost all flights land to 07L/25R, which is far far from the land. Basically(※) we may have only one choice to try departures(TдT)
(※)We can take landings to mountainside runway on the days and the time when airport operates only with it at midnight time, from 1:15AM to 7:15AM. But it should be night spotting or we need to try in summer season (。・_・。)

②A380(主に夜: mainly at night)
It must be happy to say that some A380 flights came back to Hong Kong these days.

(夜好きには天国(´ε` ))
But,,,the most of the spotting chances are at night(´゚д゚`)
(It should be the heaven if you like night spotting(´ε` ))

The flights which came back to Hong Kong are below 4 flights by 3 airlines.
・エミレーツ(主に夜): Emirates(mainly at night)
In addition to Bangkok flights, they started again the old Dubai direct flights. But both flights depart at night.⇩なお、4月28日のスクショですが、両方ともスペマになった日もありました☆★⇩
⇩Then, these 2 were taken on 28th April, both flights were operated with special marking fleets☆★⇩
If I still lived in Hong Kong, I must have gone to airport this day(;∀;) 

・シンガポール航空(昼間発着): Singapore airlines(Daytime flights)
Singapore airlines also started again their A380
Flights. Currently, same as before Civid-19 era, it arrives around noon and departs before sunset, so this SQ A380 flight should be only that of can be taken in day time.
....I could see SQ's A380 came to Hong Kong in the evening and departed at night a few months ago, as for me, I wanted to try their night spotting(´゚д゚`)

・カンタス(主に夜): Qantas(Mainly at night)
昔と同じく夜着夜発なので夜撮影になりますが、カンタスはライトを多めに点けてくれるので、夜が好きな方は、楽しみが増えたと思いますよ(´ε` )
Qantas A380s can be seen now but seem not to be daily because I saw their A332/A333 several times, and same as before Covid, they arrive at Hong Kong in the evening and depart from Hong Kong at night. I believe Qantas often turn all lights when they depart at night. I believe they must make you fun if you like night spotting(´ε` )↑ː QF127はA333で運航される日もあるみたいなので、A380を撮りに行かれる方は時刻表に注意
↑: QF127 seems to be operated with A333 on some days, please carefully check the timetables if you want to take A380.

③中国のエアライン: China's airlines
As of the flights from China mainland, I could see some airlines changed their fleets larger and see some airlines newly come to Hong Kong compared with those before Covid-19 era.
・チャイナエアライン: Chins airlines
The fleets of CA's Beijing flights used to be mainly A330 before Covid 19, now I can see some flights are operated with B773. As below screenshots, I could see 2 on the same day. And could see some of their special markings.
・中国東方: China East airlines
MU used to come to Hong Kong with their A320/A321 or A330, but these days I could see mainly A330 and sometimes B773.(I remember I could see their A359 in the past but not these days)↑ː 最近はA330をよく見かけます
↑ː A330 can be seen often these days.
↑↑ː B773が同じ日に2機来たこともあります。
↑↑ː I could see a day when 2 of their B773s can be seen on the same day. 
↑ː B773のスペマが来たことも☆
↑ː I once could see one of their B773 special markings☆

・中国南方航空: China South airlines

These days A333 of China south airlines can be seen often.

・コロナ後新たに見られるようになった中国のエアライン: China's airlines which newly come to Hong Kong after Covid
It should be my preference but below airlines are newly seen after Covid
(1)海南航空ː Hinan Airlines

(2)天津航空: Tianjin Airlines

(3) 江西航空ː Jiangxi AIr

(4)乌鲁木齐航空: Urumqi Air(5)長竜航空 :Loong Air

④欧米のエアライン: US and European airlines
I also can see US airlines and European airlines increased their flights and changed their fleets larger. And I can say it should be happy to see some A340s still continue to come to Hong Kong.
ユナイテッド: United airlines
UA started their San Francisco flights and some Honolulu flights again. If we are lucky, we can see their B764 as below.
・スイス: Swiss
Now the number of A340 regular flights are decreasing but, they once used to come with B773, but now they come to Hong Kong with their A343.
......but arrive at night and depart at midnight (´゚д゚`)
・ルフトハンザ: Luhthansa
There is one more airlines which comes to Hong Kong with A340.

It is Luhthansa.

In addition to it, they used to come with their A343 for long time, the fleet is A346.
,,,But they arrive before evening and depart at midnight(。・_・。)

KLM used to come to Hong Kong via Bangkok for a long time but now they fly to Hong Kong directly. The departure time is around noon, so we can see their departure in daytime. Several fleets seem to be allotted to this flight, B773, B772 and B789 can be seen.

・エールフランス: Airfrance
Airfrance, which has canceled Hong Kong flights for long time, now comes back☆ The fleet is not previous B773, but B789. Same as before, they arrive at Hong Kong in the evening and depart at midnight.

BA had kept one flight per day for long time, but now, same as before Covid era, come to Hong Kong with 2 flights per day. The fleets are B789 and A350. I hope to try their A350 at night☆


I have not investigated the details of this flight, it may be categorized into cargo flight with preighter fleet (I remember the permission for preighter operation has already expired??), A359 of Iberojet, one of Spanish airlines, sometimes can be seen coming to Hong Kong via Frankfurt☆

・カタール: Qatar
Qatar has also started again 2 flights operation. The fleets are B773 and B788.

⑥貨物便: Cargo airlines
When it comes to Hong Kong airport, it is famous as cargos. It is not world No.1 these days but it keeps huge amounts of cargos, we can see cargo airplanes which cannot be easily seen at other airports.
・アエロトランスカーゴ: Aerotranscargo
このブログでも何度も登場しているアエロトランスカーゴですが、コロナ後も引き続き香港に来ています。下記のように同じ時間に2機いるようなこともあります。香港に来る機材は最近はER-BAJ, ER-BBC, ER-BBJ, ER-BAMの4機が来ることが多いように思います。
Aerotranscargo, which has been described many times on this blog, still come to Hong Kong often. As below screenshot, we can see 2 of their fleets at the same time. The fleets can be seen in Hong Kong these days are ER-BAJ, ER-BBC, ER-BBJ and ER-BAM.
・ACT Cargo
こちらもまだまだ、香港に来ています。9TXXXの自社便とQRXXXXのカタール便で来ているように思います。アエロトランスカーゴと同じく、下記のように同じ時間帯に2機いるようなこともあります。機材的には貨物型機のTC-MCTやTC-ACM, TC-ACRがほとんどで。元ANAのBCF(BDSF)のTC-ACFとTC-ACGがあまり来ないのが寂しいですね。
ACT Cargo still come to Hong Kong often. I could see they come as 9TXXX (Their flight) or QRXXX (Qatar flights). Same as Aerotranscargo, I sometimes could see 2 of their fleets staying at Hong Kong at the same time. The fleets which often come to Hong Kong seem to be cargo 747s, TC-MCT, TC-ACM and TC-ACR. It should be sad that their 747 BCFs (BDSFs), which origin from ANA, cannot be seen at Hong Kong for long time...

・ROM Cargo(YR-FSA)
こちらの記事でご紹介しているROM Cargo (YR-FSA)ですが、3月の一ヶ月ほど来ない時期があり心配しましたが、最近復活しました☆
As I introduced it on this post, I worried about ROM Cargo (YR-FSA) because it could not be seen in March, but it started operation again these days☆

・Mesk Air(9H-MSK)
こちらの記事でご紹介しているMesk Airの9H-MSKも引き続き香港に来ているようです。結構マイナーだと思いますが、頑張っていますね(^∀^)!
Also as I introduced it on this post, 9H-MAS of Mesk Air has still been continuing to come to Hong Kong. I believe it should me minor airlines, it must be happy to know we can see it at Hong Kong airport(^∀^)!
(It is just my opinion but I believe it should be one of the hottest aircrafts which can be seen at Hong Kong airport☆)

・Raya Airwaysの9M-RXD: 9M-RXD of RAYA Airways
マレーシアのRaya Airways ですが、この投稿を書いている最中に、新しい機材が入っていることに気づきました。
One of Malaysian cargo airlines, RAYA Airways, I have just found a news during I prepare this post, that they added a new fleet.
It is 9M-RXD (B767-281). As you can know from the aircraft type, it must be exciting, it is origin from ANA. It used to be JA.  I really want to see it(≧ω≦)!!!

・Challenge Airlines
Challenge Airlinesも引き続き香港に来ています。ほぼ毎日くらい来ているように思います。機材は一度入るとしばらく固定になる?ようで、しばらくはOE-LRAでしたが、最近はOE-LRFかOE-LRGが来ています。
Challenge Airlines has still been continuing to come to Hong Kong. It seems to come almost every day. The fleets may be fixed after once it allotted to Hong Kong line, it used to be OE-LRA for a long time but now it seems to be OE-LRF or OE-LRG. 

・ウズベキスタン航空: Uzbekistan Airlines
I can see Uzbekistan cargo sometimes☆

・MING Airlines
MING still can be seen in Hong Kong☆

以前こちらの記事でご紹介したCMA CGMのB772Fもよく香港に来ています☆
As I introduced on this post, B772Fs of CMA CGM have still come to Hong Kon often☆

・その他の貨物: Other cargo airlines
(1)RDS Cargo Groups
(2)Camex Airlines


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting), 香港近況(Recent Hong Kong)
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