飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【夜撮/初撮】本当は747-200希望だけど、、(笑)【Night/First see】I wanted to see their 747-200s,,,,,(^^;)



Long time has gone by but I'd like to post about the photos taken during my visit to Hong Kong last year.

Seems not have been come to Hong Kong these days, below airline could be seen often on the airport timetable then. The airline code “D4” means,,,

GEO Skyというエアラインです(⁠^⁠^⁠)
GEO Sky(^^)

Some readers must get excited to hear this name, I believe.
(But it should be changed to disappointment soon.. )

・GEO Skyについて: About GEO SKY
・飛来機体について: The aircraft which came to Hong Kong
・撮影画像: The photos taken

■GEO Skyについて
I'd like to lightly explain this company because there are detailed introduction on this airline's HP. GEO Sky was founded in 2017 in Georgia. This airline got the permissions to fly on China, they seem to operate many flights between Germany and China. Other than cargo flights, this airline provides leisure, medical and rescue flights to nearby countries with some small aircrafts and helicopters. There are detail information about their fleets and so on, I recommend you visit to their HP(^^)
↑: 同社HP☆
↑ː Their HP.
I believe it should be quite well composed(^^)

↑: 同社紹介ページ
↑ː Their About us

まぁ、冒頭にも書きましたが、このエアラインの名前を聞いて反応される読者もいらっしゃると思いますが、はい、このエアラインは現役で747-200を2機運用しています(⁠^⁠^⁠)Wiki(英)情報ですが、Badr Airlinesというエアラインに貸し出し中の737-800もあるそうです。
As I described on the top that some readers may get excited to hear the name of this company. YES! this airline operates 2 classic 747s, 747-200(^^) And, this info is from Wiki(Eng), they seem to have one 737-800 which is now under leasing to an airline named Badr Airlines. ↑ː 4L-GEOと4L-GEGですが、大変気になります(^^)
↑ː They are 4L-GEO and 4L-GEG. They must be quite interesting(^^)

Not being seen that often, their 747-200s were seen many times on the Flightradar in the past, I believe.

This airline hac been approved for maintenance 747-200/300.
→紹介ページ: Related page.

They also place gallery page(^^)

ギャラリーページ:To their gallery

■飛来機体について: The aircraft which came to Hong Kong

Anyway the, as I emphasized their 747-200s, yes, they are famous for their 747-200s, but, but the one came to Hong Kong was other aircraft(*_*)
(Of course, I expected their 747-200 would come to Hong Kong at the first time when I saw their name on Hong Kong airport timetables)

The aircraft which actually came to Hong Kong was 4L-GEG, one of,,,the only one their 757-200

They seem to have only one 757-200 but it came to Hong Kong quite often then, 3 times in a week with this only one 757-200.
(Actually I could see it 3 times during my 5 days stay in Hong Kong last year.)

■撮影画像: The photos taken香港滞在中の3回の飛来のうち、2回は撮る機会がありましたが、いずれも夜でした。。。
During my stay in Hong Kong, I could have 2 chances of their 3 flights to Hong Kong but only at night. I'd like to place the photos taken on that 2.↑↑↑↑ː 最初の撮影は上りは低くてよかったのですが、、、悪夢の、機首ライトなし(;;)
↑↑↑↑: They were taken at the first time I saw it,,,, but, should be a kind of nightmare, no nose lights on(;;)
↑↑↑: 2回目は機首のライトはありましたが、上りが高かった(;;)
↑↑↑: They are those taken at the second time, this time nose lights were on but it took off high(;;)


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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