飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

正解は、、、: The answer is,,,



As of the airport I introduced as below yesterday, the answer is ,,,

Macau Int'l Airport(^^)

We can take following photos from this point☆↑: 目の前の誘導路上の機体は一日逆光でしたが、少し遠いですが、誘導路に入る前は順光でした。
↑: The planes on the taxiway in fron of us were back to the light, it should be a littele far, but I could see they were following to the lights before they were on it. 
↑: 向きを変える直前のこの辺りの画像が個人的に一番好きかも(^^)
↑: I like these shots the best, on which planes just before start to turn(^^)↑: 目の前の誘導路上の機体です。
↑: A plane on the taxiway in front of us↑: 真横です☆真横だと、80mmでA320が画面いっぱいでした。
↑: Right beside shot☆If we take right beside shots, there are almost no margins when we take A320 with 80mm.  

There seems to be some other spotting points around Macau Int'l Airport, I will visit them around next time(^^)




-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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